Bite of midges

Everyone should have at least minimal information about how to remove the swelling after biting midges. These insects are very common and, despite their very small size, is much more dangerous than a mosquito, because their saliva contains toxins, more dangerous for the human body. In addition, the midge can penetrate the respiratory tract, eyes and ears.

How to treat bites of Simuliidae?

The bite of midge may lead to severe allergic disease. Therefore, immediately after you notice it, you should not allow the development of a reaction to toxins. To do this you need:

  1. Rinse the bite with clean, cold water.
  2. Cool the skin with ice.
  3. Apply a pressure bandage to the bite site.
  4. Wet the affected area with a swab soaked in furacilin or another antiseptic.

Do you have different rashes on your skin? Than to treat a bite of midge to eliminate them? It is necessary to take painkillers and any antihistamines (Claritin, paracetamol or Diazolin) or apply creams on the skin with anti-allergic action. It can be such preparations:

Coping with rashes and itching will help and wet-drying bandage. Do it with a 0.5% solution of novocaine. If there are no such drugs under the roof (for example, in a hiking trip), you can remove the itch by applying any toothpaste with menthol or mint to the bite site or rubbing the inflamed area with a dark soap. The main thing is that it was the first category, that is, it contained more than 70% of fatty acids.

Treatment of allergies to bite flies

Remove the swelling after biting midges can with the help of drugs such as:

Also, in case of an allergic reaction, the patient is prescribed antihistamine tablets:

To quickly reduce the pain symptom, it is best to use Acetaminophen or Paracetamol.

The development of anaphylactic shock or edema of Quincke on the bite of midge is extremely rare. But if you suddenly notice the symptoms of such a condition, a strong deterioration in your health or a fever, you should urgently consult your doctor.

Bite of midges in the eye

The bite of midge in the eye is very dangerous for health. With untimely and incorrect treatment, it can lead to an absolute loss of vision. Therefore, you should definitely contact an oculist who will prescribe the necessary medications for you. Measures of first-aid first aid for eye swelling after bite of midges are always composed of such actions:

  1. Rinse thoroughly with cold running water.
  2. Lubricate the eyelids with Hydrocortisone, Fenistil-gel or other anti-allergic ointment, avoiding contact with the mucous membrane.
  3. Apply a cold compress.

If you are a supporter of non-drug therapy, the treatment of edema after a bite of midge in the eye can begin with a compress of raw potatoes. To do this, a cut of this vegetable is applied to the damaged area. Potatoes will help to rapidly reduce swelling and spread the inflammatory reaction to the skin of the eyelid.

What can not be done with a bite of midge?

After a bite of midges, it is strictly forbidden:

It is not necessary to apply alcohol solutions (water only) after the bite of the midges on the healing wound. Also, you can not independently choose and take antibiotics. If itching occurs near the eye, it is not recommended to rub the place of the bite. This will lead to more severe irritation of the mucosa.