Duodeno-gastral reflux - we search for the reasons and we choose treatment

Duodeno-gastric reflux is a gastroenterological disease that is diagnosed in 15% of absolutely healthy people. Sometimes it occurs on its own, but more often it accompanies and develops against a background of chronic gastritis, duodenal ulcers or stomach, gastroesophageal reflux disease.

What does duodenal gastral reflux mean?

With this diagnosis, the contents of the duodenum are thrown into the stomach space. Self diagnosis of duodenal gastric reflux occurs in only 30% of all cases. In some patients, the disease occurs flare-up - occurs suddenly during sleep or as a result of excessive physical exertion. At the same time, there are no visible symptoms, and the state does not have a negative effect on the digestive system. Therefore, in such cases, DGR as a disease is not regarded.

Duodeno-gastric reflux - causes

Disease occurs when there is a violation of duodenal patency. As a result, the pressure inside the duodenum increases, and the gatekeeper's closing function is noticeably weakened. When the pyloric sphincter can not perform its basic functions, the food that has passed to the next stage of the digestive cycle is returned back to the stomach.

As in some cases gastritis, duodenal-gastric reflux causes such reasons:

The duodenal-gastric reflux phenomenon has several major risk factors. In most cases, the development of the problem leads to:

Duodeno-gastric reflux - degree

As in the case of any other disease, the DGR has different degrees of development. Depending on how long and actively the disease progresses, the manifestations of various symptoms change. The degree of duodenal-gastric reflux is determined by the number of bile acids contained in different parts of the stomach. And the sooner the disease is diagnosed, the easier it will be to cope with it.

DGR of 1 degree

The most "simple" degree is the initial one. Duodeno-gastral reflux of the 1st degree is set when a minimum amount of bile is found in the pyloric gastric department adjacent to the sphincter. Symptoms in the first stage may not be manifested at all. And if signs arise, most patients do not pay attention to them, considering that discomfort has appeared as a result of overeating or eating "on the run" and will soon pass.

DGD 2 degrees

Many learn about their diagnosis, just when the disease goes to the second stage. Duodeno-gastral reflux of the 2nd degree is diagnosed in those patients in whom bile is found in the higher parts of the stomach - in the antrum or in the base. At this stage, the symptoms become clear and constantly reminiscent of themselves, which forces the patient to turn to a specialist.

DGR 3rd degree

This is the most complicated and neglected form of the disease. The pronounced duodenal-gastric reflux is determined when the contents of the duodenum reach the bottom of the stomach and the lower esophageal sphincter. The third stage is characterized by the manifestation of all the main symptoms. Moreover, they are all pronounced brightly and discomfort deliver the maximum amount.

Duodeno-gastric reflux - signs

Symptoms of GDR are similar in many respects to manifestations of other diseases of the digestive tract. This is explained by their relationship. Recognize chronic duodenal-gastric reflux by the following symptoms:

Very often duodenal-gastric reflux is manifested by pain. Unpleasant sensations, as a rule, are concentrated at the top of the abdomen. Soreness is recurrent and mostly tolerable. But some patients complain of too intense sharp and burning pains in the pit of the stomach, which appear almost immediately after eating, which are knocked out for a few hours.

How to cure duodenal gastral reflux?

To recover more quickly, therapy should be complex and it should start when the first signs appear. Before treating duodenal-gastric reflux disease, appoint experts to determine the cause of the problem. Regardless of why DGR appeared, the patient is recommended to reconsider the way of life: not to abuse alcohol and cigarettes, to refuse from cholagogic medicines, caffeine, Aspirin. When reflux it is very important to control your weight and keep a diet.

Duodeno-gastral reflux - treatment with drugs

The main task of drug therapy for DGR is to restore the normal functions of the gastrointestinal tract and to monitor the motor-evacuation function of the affected parts of the digestive system. How to treat duodenal gastric reflux, should determine the specialist. In general, doctors appoint:

  1. Prokinetics - Cerucalum or Domperidone, - which contribute to the rapid digestion of food, its assimilation and advancement along the ducts of the small intestine.
  2. To protect the gastric mucosa from the irritating effect of the contents of the duodenum, use Omese, Nexium.
  3. To cope with heartburn help such means as Almagel, Fosfalugel, Gaviskon.
  4. Strengthen the peristalsis of the upper sections of the digestive tract using agonists of serotonin receptors - mosapride citrate.
  5. Effective drugs UDCX (ursodeoxycholic acid), which make the stomach contents of the duodenum thrown into the stomach are water soluble and less aggressive (in practice this leads to the elimination of bitter belching, vomiting, and pain relief).

Duodeno-gastral reflux - treatment with folk remedies

This disease is treatable by alternative methods. But nevertheless, most specialists recommend resorting to them only as part of complex therapy. With the diagnosis of duodenal gastric reflux, folk prescriptions should be selected by doctors and only after determining the causes of the onset of the disease. Otherwise, the patient's condition can only worsen.

How to cure Duodeno-gastric reflux with herbs?


Preparation and use:

  1. Mix in one bowl ingredients in any quantity. You can take "by eye", clear proportions in this recipe do not need to comply.
  2. Herbs are poured with boiling water and insist for 10-15 minutes.
  3. The resulting tea is recommended to drink every day in the morning and in the evening.

Treatment of duodenal gastric reflux with flax seeds


Preparation and use:

  1. Seeds are poured in cool water.
  2. The mixture should be infused until the seeds begin to swell. At this stage, useful mucus begins to emerge from them.
  3. The resulting fluid should be drunk on an empty stomach for ¼ - ½ cup.

Ayr and sage against duodeno-gastral reflux


Preparation and use:

  1. Take one teaspoon of each dry mixture.
  2. Water boil and pour the grass.
  3. The medicine needs to brew for about 20 minutes. After that, it can be filtered and drunk.
  4. To make the mixture more delicious, honey can be added to it.
  5. You need to drink medicine three times a day an hour after eating.

Diet with duodeno-gastral reflux - menu

Almost all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are treated with proper nutrition. And DGR is no exception. When a duodenal-gastric reflux disease is required, a strict diet is required. The food you eat needs to be crushed thoroughly. There is recommended a little, but 5 - 6 times a day. Patients are allowed to eat such products:

The list of categorically prohibited products includes: