Tubage with mineral water

This beautiful name does not mean a cosmetic procedure, although it does bring a lot of benefits and satisfaction to the body. In fact, tjubazh, or as it is also called - blind probing - a procedure that increases the outflow of bile. You can even carry out this procedure at home.

Blind turmoil

Previously, the liver and gall bladder were cleaned with a probe, but today the most popular method is blindness. This procedure is more loyal, but in no case less effective. During the sounding it is necessary to swallow a special tube-probe, through which subsequently bile flows, - a rather unpleasant action, you will agree. Tjubazh does not cause any discomfort and contributes to the natural separation of bile during defecation.

Most often, tjubazh is used to cleanse the body with hypokinesia of the gallbladder or chronic constipation, when due to the filled intestine the bile stagnates in the body.

The procedure is indicated for young mothers, who after birth can have stones in the gallbladder .

Tjubazh will help to cope with discomfort after overeating and improve the health of people suffering from obesity.

Regular tjubazh supports and those who have been removed from the gallbladder.

Blind liver and gall bladder with mineral water

Tyubazh can be done in several different ways. The method, most suitable for your case, will be chosen by a specialist. One of the most popular and effective is considered a tumbage with mineral water.

This procedure is not only very effective, but also extremely simple. To tjubazha liver and bladder will need high-quality mineral water, such, for example, as:

The further algorithm of actions is very simple:

  1. Before the procedure, half a liter of water should be poured into open dishes and left overnight, so that all gases come out of it.
  2. In the morning, the liquid warms up to about forty degrees, a warm water bottle is prepared.
  3. Lying on the right side with a hot water bottle in the right hypochondrium, one should drink small amounts of water during half an hour.

Tjubazh with mineral water is best conducted on an empty stomach immediately after lifting. To find out whether the procedure helped or not, it is possible only by the color of the chair: greenish - the turbidity has worked.

If after a tjubazh you feel unwell or the state of health remains the same, but the effect of the procedure is not, you need to immediately seek advice from a specialist.

Do the tjubazh mineral water best in two days to the third. Six regular procedures will be sufficient for complete purification. With cholecystitis, it is recommended to take the tea once a week, and the period of the health-improving course reaches three months. If the procedure is prescribed for preventive purposes, then such courses can be repeated up to four times a year.

To get the maximum benefit from the procedure, to her you need to start preparing for a couple of days. So, during preparation it is necessary to drink beet and apple juice in large quantities, to eat preferably vegetative food (cooked or raw, it does not matter). Thanks to such a simple diet, the liver will be able to unload a little, which will contribute to an early and more effective cleansing of the body.

If you can not make a massage with mineral water for some reason, the main active substance can be replaced with a solution of Carlsbad salt, sorbitol, magnesium or infusion of herbs. If desired, you can add egg yolks or olive oil to the water.