Irga - useful properties

In the family of apple plants there is a bush, which is undeservedly rarely paid attention. This igra - useful properties of fruits can help cope with a variety of diseases, although the taste they do not differ anything special, have a small size. In addition, other parts of this bush also have healing effects.

Orthra plant - useful medicinal properties

The composition of the bark, leaves and shoots of irgi is very noteworthy, since they contain the maximum amount of tannins, flavonoids, pectins, essential oil. As a rule, decoctions and infusions from these parts of the plant are applied externally for the therapy of dermatological diseases and pathological conditions:

Moreover, preparations from the bark and leaves perfectly help against diseases of the oral cavity:

The healing properties of irgi in folk medicine are actively used in purulent angina. To make the medicine, a strong decoction of the bark and leaves of the plant is made (1 share of phytocoagulant and 10 parts of water). This infusion is recommended to gargle and rinse the tonsils until the condition improves. It usually takes 3-5 days to get the desired result.

Berry berry - useful properties and recipes

The fruits of the plant can be used in various forms: in fresh and dried form, squeeze the juice, brew compote.

Berries are rich in vitamins of group B, P, A and a lot of ascorbic acid. In addition, they contain:

Thanks to such a complex of valuable elements, the fruits of irgi produce a beneficial effect on the whole organism:

The main healing properties of irgi, concluded in the berries of plants, both fresh and dried, are easy to use at home, making infusion or tea:

  1. About 15 grams of raw materials or 1 tablespoon of fruit to soak in 250 ml of boiling water.
  2. After half an hour, strain the remedy.
  3. Take as a vitamin or fortifying drug during the day as a tea.

It is worth noting that the proposed drug is not only provides the body with vitamins and beneficial substances, strengthening the immune system, but also normalizes intestinal motility, helps to clean the liver and bile ducts.

For the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, cancer tumors, strokes, a recipe is recommended:

  1. Dried berries in the amount of 2 tablespoons are well washed and pour 400 ml of clean cold water.
  2. After 8 hours, put the solution on a weak fire and boil, leading to a boil.
  3. Cover the container with a lid and leave for another 2-2.5 hours.
  4. Strain the broth and drink 100 ml approximately 35 minutes before meals twice a day.

As practice shows, this drug with regular use also allows you to restore vision in glaucoma and at the beginning of cataract.