A dropper of sodium chloride during pregnancy

A dropper with sodium chloride during pregnancy can be prescribed in various situations. Let's talk about them in more detail, having previously figured out what kind of drug it is.

What is a solution of sodium chloride?

By its composition, this medication is very similar to the ionic composition of human blood plasma. For this, it is also called saline. That is why when it is introduced into the body of any allergic reactions is not observed. This fact explains its wide application, especially in cases when a small dose of the drug should be administered intravenously. In such cases, the medication is diluted with saline solution.

Why are pregnant women dripping sodium chloride?

This question is of interest to many expectant mothers who are prescribed the administration of such a drug.

It is worth noting that in most cases, saline is used directly for the dilution of medicines, which must be administered drip. In such cases, up to 400 ml can be used.

Also, the appointment of sodium chloride in the form of a dropper for pregnant women, can be carried out in those cases when it is necessary to detoxify the body. As a rule, this is observed for various kinds of infectious and inflammatory processes.

In addition, sodium chloride intravenously during pregnancy can be administered directly at the stage of delivery. So, often during epidural anesthesia, there is a decrease in blood pressure. In such cases, up to 400 ml of solution may be administered.

With a lack of sodium ions in the body of a future mother, it can also be prescribed the administration of this solution together with vitamins.

Thus, the spectrum of application of sodium chloride solution, including during the gestation of the baby, is very wide.