Flaxseed oil during pregnancy

The waiting period for the baby is a special time for every woman. For someone it is remembered by an eerie toxicosis, for another strange addiction in food, but, undoubtedly, for everyone - this is a time of carefully planned, proper nutrition, because the future of your child depends on it. You can long to list products that are worthy of being on the table in pregnant women, but now I want to talk about vegetable oils. Everyone, without exception, knows about the undoubted benefits of such a product as, for example, olive oil. It is recommended to use both doctors and cosmetologists, which does not cause doubts in accepting this remedy. Whether and it is possible to drink flaxseed oil at pregnancy, - a question which is set at the doctor very often, after all in it not less useful properties, than at its more known relatives.

When is flaxseed oil for pregnant women banned?

Just want to say that this drug can be used only after consulting a doctor who observes pregnancy, and there are a number of reasons for this. Flaxseed oil, both during pregnancy and not only, can cause a lot of problems if you suffer from one of the following ailments:

  1. Cholecystitis and pancreatitis in the acute stage. In general, with any problems with the gallbladder or pancreas, it is better to postpone taking this product. Flaxseed oil during pregnancy promotes active production of bile. If you have stones in the inflamed gallbladder, then there is a high probability that they can clog the bile duct, and then the expectant mother expects not only severe pain, but also urgent hospitalization.
  2. Indigestion disorder. Due to the fact that linseed oil increases intestinal motility, diarrhea is a contraindication that can not be ignored in pregnancy.
  3. Any intestinal diseases in the acute stage. Whether it is possible to pregnant women with linseed oil, if a woman has escalated, for example, enterocolitis, - any doctor will give a negative answer. The admission of this remedy will only exacerbate the already difficult situation of the pregnant woman.
  4. Third trimester of pregnancy. Strangely enough, it sounds, but flaxseed oil in pregnancy late in life can cause premature birth. Scientists have proved that fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, together with vitamins E and A, which are abundant in oil, exert negative influence on the musculature of the uterus, which can lead to an increase in its motor activity.

Perhaps this is all contraindications when taking this drug by future moms.

The Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

But the list of those conditions in which this product is recommended to be taken:

  1. Constipation. Effective struggle against this disease is one of the greatest advantages of flaxseed oil. As a result of proper application, linseed oil during pregnancy can cleanse the body of constipation no worse than enema. It is drunk on an empty stomach, after 30 minutes it is washed down with a glass of boiled water, and the effect comes about an hour later. Take flaxseed oil during pregnancy is recommended in the morning and in the evening, two tablespoons.
  2. Cleaning of blood vessels from plaques.
  3. Increased immunity.
  4. Prevention of fetoplacental insufficiency , etc.

How to drink flaxseed oil in pregnancy, if there is no trouble with bowel movement? - one tablespoon per day as dressings in salads, etc. For prevention, the course of taking this product is 1 month.

In pharmacies now you can easily find flaxseed oil in capsules, which during pregnancy can also be taken. Women in the position are recommended to take it for a month for two capsules a day: morning and evening.

In addition, do not forget that linseed oil helps with stretch marks during pregnancy, but you should start using it immediately, as soon as you saw two stripes on the test. For this, one or two tablespoons of oil should be rubbed into the skin of the area of ​​the chest, abdomen and buttocks. However, it is worth remembering that the procedure should be carried out immediately after the shower, and the skin should be moist before applying the oil.

So, no matter how useful linseed oil is, always remember the measure. Use this tool only in those dosages that are indicated above, because the consequences of improper application can be very deplorable.