Vegetarianism and pregnancy are the right diet for a future mother

In the period of gestation, a woman needs an increased amount of nutrients for normal fetal development . It is important to develop a balanced diet to meet the increased demands for protein and B vitamins. If you refuse from animal products, this is much more difficult.

Types of Vegetarianism

All adherents of the given variant of a food exclude from the menu any meat, including:

Consumption of the rest of the food of animal origin depends on the direction of the culture:

  1. Ovo-vegetarianism - you can eggs, dairy products are forbidden. Vegetable food predominates in the diet.
  2. Lacto-vegetarianism - eggs are excluded. The menu assumes the use of fresh milk, cheese, cottage cheese, sour cream and other derivatives.
  3. Ovo-lakto-vegetarianism - you can eat eggs and dairy products.
  4. Veganism is the rejection of any food of animal origin. The list of bans includes gelatin, glycerin and carmine.

Vegetarianism in pregnancy is good and bad

If a woman decides not to change her principles during pregnancy, she must learn in advance all the "pitfalls" associated with her type of food. The influence of vegetarianism on pregnancy has not yet been thoroughly studied. Some studies indicate its usefulness as a diet for a future mother, others talk about harm to the organs and systems of the baby.

The Benefits of Vegetarianism

Adherents of this menu consume a large amount of plant foods, including beans and grains. The main benefit that a pregnant woman brings to vegetarianism is vitamins E and C. The diet is rich in other valuable substances:

Another argument for vegetarianism and pregnancy - in women who have completely abandoned meat, there is less toxicosis , morning sickness and vomiting. This is due to the lack of harmful chemical compounds, preservatives and hormonal substances, which are often artificially introduced into beef, chicken and pork of industrial production.

Damage to vegetarianism

Vegetable food does not contain a number of components necessary for the full development of the baby. The main thing that deprives vegetarianism is a protein of animal origin and amino acids. They can be replaced with vegetable food, but because of the increased needs of pregnant women in these substances will have to consume a lot of products that cause fermentation in the intestines.

The main drawback, because of which many experts consider vegetarianism and pregnancy incompatible, is a complete absence or an acute shortage in the diet:

Vegetarianism and pregnancy - the opinion of doctors

Due to the lack of evidence base, it is difficult for specialists to judge whether the future mothers should refuse from animal products. Some doctors, especially abroad, encourage vegetarianism during pregnancy, referring to the high concentration of useful plant fiber in such a diet and a large number of vitamins. Domestic doctors are skeptical about this diet, quite justifiably stressing the danger of deficiency of proteins and iron, the absolute absence of cyanocobalamin.

What to replace meat with vegetarianism?

The future baby is critically needed that the mother's body receives vitamin B12 , which is not in any plant food. This is one of the reasons why vegetarianism or veganism and pregnancy are poorly combined. The only option of replenishing the deficiency of cyanocobalamin is the constant intake of special nutritional supplements or vitamin complexes.

Meat during pregnancy is a rich source of valuable protein and important amino acids. The following products can be an alternative:

Balanced Vegetarian Menu

A future mother who refused to eat animal products should be meticulous about her diet. Experts admit such nutrition during the period of pregnancy, provided that the woman consumes proteins - vegetarianism of any form, except veganism. In the diet must necessarily be present either eggs or dairy products.

Vegetarian Diet - Menu for the week

Before developing a nutrition plan, you need to make a list of important foods with high levels of proteins, vitamins and amino acids. A full vegetarian menu for every day for pregnant women should include:

A balanced vegetarian menu for a week assumes the intake of biologically active additives or complexes with cyanocobalamin. Vitamin B12 is absolutely absent in plant foods, it is not even found in sea kale (some sources erroneously claim the opposite). A future mother must take this substance every day throughout pregnancy.







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