Toxicosis in pregnant women

Toxicosis in pregnant women is a very common phenomenon. It is due to the fact that the body of a pregnant woman adapts to a new condition. And if in the first trimester this process is quite natural, then in the second trimester begins to cause fears of doctors.

What is dangerous for toxicosis?

If toxicosis is the cause of too frequent vomiting - it dehydrates the body. At women the appetite decreases, metabolic processes are broken, as a result of which the body weight decreases. In addition, toxicosis affects not only the future mother, but also the baby. In the second half of pregnancy, toxicosis can cause swelling, nephropathy, eclampsia.

Causes of Toxicosis

Until now, the exact causes of nausea in pregnancy have not been established. It is only known that it is the reaction of the body to the development of the fetus. But to say for sure why there is no toxicosis, there are only factors contributing to this:

  1. After conception, the fetus gradually develops in the womb, but before the 16th week its placenta is not so developed in order to protect the pregnant body from the metabolic products released by the baby. Therefore, getting directly into the blood, they cause intoxication.
  2. The second cause of toxicosis is the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy. These changes lead to an aggravation of all feelings and emotions. Pregnant women experience sensations of smell and touch. Therefore, sharp smells irritate the tissues of the larynx, thereby inducing vomiting.
  3. Heredity. Doctors noted the relationship of genetic predisposition to increased toxicosis. Most often, if the mother had a strong toxicosis during pregnancy, it is likely that the daughter is also waiting for a heavy pregnancy. Often, nausea occurs in women who lead an abnormal lifestyle. Moreover, their toxicosis, often manifested in the second trimester of pregnancy.

Toxicosis - symptoms

Many women complain of the following symptoms:

All these conditions are standard symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women, which do not cause any fears about the health of women and the fetus. In addition, more complex disorders, such as dermatoses, asthma of pregnant women, tetany and osteomalacia, can rarely occur.

The most pronounced in pregnant women is morning sickness. It occurs in about 70% of women and worries pregnant women from 6 to 12-13 weeks of pregnancy. Usually, nausea appears after awakening and ends in the middle of the day. In especially severe cases, expectant mothers have toxicosis in the evening.

To work with toxicosis

For many modern women, pregnancy is not a reason to quit work or study. They perfectly combine career or creative growth with their position. How to combine work and toxicosis?

Still, at first it would be good to take a short pause and prepare psychologically and physically to your state during pregnancy. You should also breathe fresh air more often, eat right and rest when you feel the need. It is possible with a lucky combination of circumstances - at work will enter your position, give leave for the period of toxicosis or reduce the amount of your duties.

Are they given a hospital for toxicosis?

The hospital can only be given if there is a threat of miscarriage and the pregnant woman needs to go to the hospital for preservation. Otherwise, the woman will work as usual. An exception is made for those working in hazardous production, lifting heavy loads or other duties that threaten to harm the mother or the baby. In this case, the pregnant woman, on the recommendation of the doctor, should be transferred to less serious work.