6 weeks of pregnancy - fetal size

The human embryo at 6 weeks continues its active development. His nervous system is formed, the rudiment of the brain becomes visible, the neural tube branches, the skin acquires sensitivity. First, this refers to the skin around the mouth and the inner side of the thighs.

At 6 weeks of gestation, the size of the fetus (embryo) is about 5 mm. On his face, dimples are already visible, where the eyes will develop, and the places of the future spout and ears are indicated by folds. Handles and legs now have rudiments of fingers.

Development of internal organs of the fetus at 6 weeks

The fetal heart continues to develop, the embryo's heartbeat at 6 weeks is about 115 beats per minute. Developed and intestines, esophagus and stomach. True, the internal organs are for the time being outside the embryo, in a special sac. The fact is that his body is still too small to accommodate all organs. But after only a few weeks, all organs will take their position inside the fetus.

The lungs continue to develop, but gill slits are still preserved. The embryo at 6-7 weeks already has the rudiments of the genital organs, although it is still impossible to determine its gender on ultrasound.

The fruit of 6-7 weeks can already make movements due to the fact that its muscles and muscle tissue are sufficiently developed. Of course, the future mother can not yet feel these movements - it will be possible only after a few months.

As for the placenta, it is not yet formed and has the appearance of a small thickening that connects to the embryo with the help of a thin umbilical cord. But around the fetus, more and more amniotic fluid.

What is the fruit in 6 weeks?

If you want to know what the fetus looks like in 6 weeks, then this is not entirely feasible. He does not yet have the shape of a little man and nothing is clear on the photo. The size of the fetal egg is only 2.5 cm. In this case, the coccygeal parietal size (CTE) of the fetus at 6 weeks is no more than 6 mm, and the size of the yolk sac is 3 cubic millimeters.

6 weeks - sensation of a woman

Although you already have an obstetric calendar for 6 weeks, from the moment of conception it took only a month. External changes in the appearance of a woman has not yet been observed. But emotions under the influence of hormones are already "sham." Emotional instability manifests itself in a sharp change in mood from happiness to irritation and back again. This can happen several times a day.

In addition, a woman can begin to suffer from toxicosis: nausea occurs during pregnancy and even vomiting, especially in the morning, the head hurts, all the day accompanied with excruciating weakness and drowsiness. And taste preferences are changing beyond recognition. However, this does not necessarily comprehend all.

Often at 6 weeks, a woman suffers from a sciatic nerve, which causes a tangible discomfort, although it carries no danger. To reduce suffering, you need to rest more, lying on the opposite side pain. By evening, discomfort usually intensifies, which is due to overexertion of the field of a tiring day.

At this time the woman's breast increases, her sensitivity increases. It's time to think about buying a new, more free bras for pregnant women . It is desirable that it was made of natural fabric and had wide straps.

Change the time and shoes: if you are accustomed to wearing high heels and platforms, you need to switch to more comfortable shoes. This is necessary not only for the convenience and safety of the mother, but also for the baby. Wearing heels changes the position of the uterus and thus causes inconvenience to the developing baby.

At a period of 6 weeks, it is already possible to become registered in a women's consultation. There you will write out directions for all sorts of analyzes and studies. This is necessary for planning the further management of your pregnancy.