Thickness of the placenta

The thickness and degree of maturity of the placenta are the two most important indicators during pregnancy, which can only be determined using ultrasound. There are certain norms of maturity and thickness of the placenta. Deviation from them threatens many unpleasant complications, even the most sad.

An increase in the thickness of the placenta indicates the presence of pathology. This sometimes happens during the transfer during a pregnancy of a serious infectious disease, as well as in anemia, diabetes, gestosis and Rhesus conflict. Therefore, women who have these diseases are especially carefully observed throughout pregnancy.

Depending on the term, the thickness of the placenta has different values ​​of the norm. By the way, the deviation from it to the smaller side is also considered a pathology. If the thickness of the placenta is reduced, the condition is called hypoplasia. This phenomenon is caused by the same reasons as the early maturation of the placenta - smoking and drinking pregnant women, infectious processes and so on.

What should be the thickness of the placenta?

At 21 weeks, the thickness of the placenta reaches the level of 17.4 mm. Each week, this figure increases by about 1 mm. The thickness of the placenta at 36 weeks is 35.5 mm, at 37 weeks - 34.4 mm. That is, the maximum thickness value falls exactly on 36 weeks. After this, the placenta gradually becomes thinner. By the end of pregnancy, the thickness of the placenta should not be more than 34 mm.

Of course, all these figures can vary to some extent. But a significant deviation from the norm should alert doctors. In this case, expert ultrasound, doplerography and cardiotocography are performed.

Maturity of the placenta

This indicator indicates how well such an important organ as the placenta performs its functions. The zero degree is maintained until 27 weeks, closer to 32 the degree of maturity becomes second, and by 37 week - the third.

The fourth degree of maturity of the placenta is inherent in cases of pregnancy mending. Therefore, not all at ultrasound diagnose this degree of maturity.

To the premature aging of the placenta lead to various adverse factors, and the consequence of this condition is the intrauterine suffering of the child. The placenta poorly fulfills its functions, the child receives less oxygen and nutrients, its development slows down. This can lead to the death of the fetus and the birth of a small and weak child.

The situation can be remedied medically - try to improve the exchange of nutrients and oxygen.