Which teeth are cut first?

Many mothers have first-hand knowledge of the difficulties of erupting baby teeth. Their appearance is often accompanied by whims and tears, sleepless nights, temperature and other troubles. But at the same time the presence of teeth in the mouth of a child means that he has grown enough and is ready to take a solid, "adult" food. Therefore, the parents of any newborn baby are eagerly awaiting that exciting moment, when the "tsoknet spoon". Which teeth usually erupt first and at what age does the first tooth appear? Let's find out about it!

Which teeth appear first?

So, in the pediatric dentistry there are certain norms on this score. As a rule, the first teeth, cut in the child's mouth - the lower central incisors, they are medial (these are two middle teeth located on the lower jaw). Then the upper incisors and the second lateral ones will appear, after which the lower ones symmetric to them will grow.

The first molars, or molars, also erupt at first the upper teeth, and then the lower ones. Next comes the turn of the so-called canines.

The second root is cut in the reverse order - lower, then upper. And all the milk teeth, and there are 20 of them, will be cut in the child by the age of three. In this case, which tooth gets out first is a rather important factor - much more significant than the timing of their eruption.

Sometimes parents note that the first ones are not those teeth that they should. Yes, the sequence of the appearance of milk teeth can change, which depends on different reasons. The most frequent case of deviation from this norm is the child's exit from the canines first, and then the molars.

Violation of this procedure may indicate a variety of problems in the work of the child's organism, including genetic deviations. In addition, children's dentists note that to form the right bite optimal is the eruption first of the lower, and then - the corresponding upper teeth. Therefore, if the sequence of the appearance of the milk teeth is violated, it is advisable to contact a specialist and conduct the necessary examinations.

When to wait for the appearance of the first teeth?

In addition to the question of which first teeth appear in infants, young parents are often worried about the timing of their eruption. In most children, the first tooth appears at the age of 6 to 9 months. This is some average indicator, which can vary quite a lot. If your baby's tooth erupted in 4 months or even, say, a year and a half - it will still be within the norm. And, although many mothers start to sound the alarm, if by the year the child still "has nothing to chew on", then most often it is completely vain excitement. For complacency, you can visit a children's dentist who, during the examination, will check the condition of the oral cavity of the baby and tell you if there are any real reasons for concern. Among the latter, one can call the child's congenital diseases: rickets, gastrointestinal diseases, mother's infectious diseases during pregnancy, etc. As for the ability to chew, babies do amazingly well with gums.

The first sign that the baby will soon cut through the tooth is an excessive salivation. In addition, you will notice that the child begins to pull his hands and toys into the mouth. In order to help your young son or daughter survive this difficult time, use at this time cooling teethers or special gels for gums (sold at the pharmacy). They have an antiseptic effect, relieve irritation and soothe inflamed gums.

Now you know which teeth are cut first and when it happens.