White beans - good and bad

Beans are a product of plant origin. Its application is quite wide. From a bean prepare a huge quantity of useful and tasty dishes, and also apply in national medicine. The benefits and harms of white beans have been known for a long time, and nutritionists define beans as one of the most useful products for humans.

Useful properties of white beans

The use of white beans can be extracted from both seeds and pods. Ingredients: magnesium, calcium, fluorine, iron, copper, iodine, potassium, sodium, cobalt, zinc and manganese. After the heat treatment, white beans practically do not lose their useful properties.

If we talk about the usefulness of white beans, we can not fail to mention that the special benefit of white beans in diabetes, with gastrointestinal diseases, with rheumatism. The protein contained in this bean is very easily absorbed by the body.

How much protein in the white bean and its effect on the body

  1. By quantity, protein is second only to meat. This is an excellent option for vegetarians, or people who hold fasts.
  2. Calcium and magnesium in white beans contribute to the strengthening of hair and nails, a beneficial effect on teeth.
  3. It is recommended to include white beans in the diet of people suffering from bronchial diseases and gastritis.
  4. By the amount of zinc and copper, this bean is even ahead of many vegetables. A large amount of potassium makes white beans useful in cardiovascular diseases. It is used to prevent hypertension. Having a diuretic effect, white beans are useful in diseases of the bladder and kidneys.
  5. The nervous system is supported by the B vitamins that make up its composition.
  6. To iron, which is part of the white bean is well absorbed by the body, it is necessary to consume it with vegetables.
  7. ethnoscience uses white beans with strong swelling. Regular use of this bean leads to normal saline metabolism in the body, improves the work of the genitourinary system.
  8. It is included in the compulsory diet for people suffering from tuberculosis.

Contraindications to the use of white beans

Do not consume white beans with gout , gastritis, nephritis, duodenal ulcer, stomach ulcer and with individual intolerance. White beans, like other herbs, can not be eaten raw.