Why do cats like to sleep in public?

Many owners of cats confirm that at least once in their life they encountered the situation when a pet slept on them, being placed on different parts of the body. There are several versions of this phenomenon, among them there are mystical options.

A sign - why a cat sleeps on a man

Cats have long been considered magical animals that have a special energy. People believe that if a pet is sleeping on a man, then at this time he heals him from existing diseases. Many people confirm that they have often noticed how a cat went to a place where a person feels pain. There is another explanation why cats sleep in their legs and on other parts of the human body - thus, the animal controls the host, protecting it from various problems and misfortunes.

It is believed that the energy of a person moves from head to foot, since it comes from outer space and leaves into the earth. It was from here that the opinion arose that a cat sleeping on its owner's feet was trying to take the accumulated negative. Another interpretation of the signs is why the cat sleeps at the person's head - thus, the animal helps to cope with bad thoughts, tuned in the right way.

Other options why cats like to sleep in public

Scientists explain this phenomenon by the fact that the animal simply loves the heat, and therefore chooses a more comfortable place for itself. Most often, pets choose for this purpose the head, because it is through this part of the body that the heat is lost most. Another version - many animals attract the smell of the human body and hair. This is because people use different cosmetics that can contain components that are attractive to animals. Probably everyone noticed how an animal licks a person's body or hair. Finding out why cats sleep in public, it is worth mentioning that being close to the owner, the animal feels calm and comfortable. For them, man - certain airbag.

Superstitions about cats

It will be interesting to know not only the significance of the omens - why the cat sleeps on a person, but also other superstitions about these pets:

  1. If the pet thoroughly washed, then it is worth waiting for unexpected guests.
  2. When the cat is looking for a warm place in the house - it will soon become colder.
  3. If the animal washes its ears or licking against the coat, then it will rain soon.
  4. A black cat runs across the road in front of troubles, and if the animal is white, then be good.