The Most Useful Vegetables

In vegetables, many useful vitamins, minerals and biologically active substances that help fight pathological processes, for example, diabetes mellitus - reducing the level of glucose; with cancer cells - because they contain anticarcinogenic substances; with obesity - helping to break down fatty joints. In some vegetables, useful inclusions more, while others are rich only in fiber and a meager set of vitamins.

The most useful vegetables for weight loss are those that help break down fatty compounds, are poor in their composition, glucose and low-calorie. In diets, in order to reduce weight, vegetables are valued:

These requirements are met by most berries (cranberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants), apples and pumpkin.

10 most useful vegetables

Distributing vegetables by the availability of useful properties, you can arrange them in the following hierarchy:

  1. Investigating which vegetable is the most useful, experts came to the conclusion that more healing properties contain deciduous crops, and the first place is occupied by spinach . It is rich in an impressive list of vitamins (A, C, D, P, PP, E, K, several representatives of group B), so it makes immunity resistant. Spinach contains an important protein and amino acids that help improve metabolic processes in the body. There are spinach and those substances that take care of the skin, preventing its aging.
  2. The second position is occupied by carrots . It is rich in carotene - a natural antioxidant, which cleanses our body of excess harmful substances. Carrots are a storehouse of vitamins and mineral inclusions, caring for eye health, fighting anemia and beneficially affecting the cardiovascular system.
  3. In the third place is a representative of cabbage - broccoli . This vegetable is rich not only with vitamins, but also with valuable substance - sulforaphane, which suppresses the growth of cancer cells and is a powerful anti-carcinogen.
  4. Tomato - contains a large amount of vitamin C , necessary to strengthen the walls of each cell and for the elasticity of the vascular wall, and is rich in other beneficial substances.
  5. Arguing, what other vegetables are the most useful for the organism, one can not help recalling biological bactericides - onions and garlic . They have a powerful antibacterial effect, protecting the body from infections. The juice of garlic helps in the work of the cardiovascular system, the onions are used in the care of oily hair.
  6. Brussels sprouts - a small vegetable, which conceals a huge supply of minerals, which is necessary for the work of the nervous system, that is, it improves the brain and removes irritability.
  7. Pumpkin - contains anti-inflammatory substances and many minerals.
  8. Our body needs folic acid, which is indispensable in improving the work of the vascular system - it is rich in Bulgarian pepper .
  9. Eggplants contain nasunin and other substances that are necessary for brain cells.
  10. The sweet potato, or sweet potato, contains an impressive complex of vitamins and trace elements. It contains a large amount of iron needed for red blood cells to carry oxygen to organs and tissues.