Peanuts - calorie content

Peanuts, or, as it is still called, peanuts, first appeared on the territory of Brazil. Today it is grown on a territory with a hot climate. Despite the fact that the calorie content of peanuts is at a high enough level, nutritionists recognize this product as beneficial to health and to the figure, but only if consumed in small quantities.

Peanut is not only a popular snack, which is especially popular with beer, it is also used in the confectionery industry for making various cakes, etc. From peanuts produce oil, which in many respects resembles olive.

Useful properties and harm of peanuts

The composition of the nut includes not only vitamins and minerals, but also a large number of proteins. Therefore, people who want to build muscle and actively engage in sports, can safely eat peanuts. Unsalted nuts contain monounsaturated fats that normalize cholesterol and improve the condition of the arteries. Such a product must certainly be in the diet of people who have problems with the cardiovascular system, because it has iron, which improves blood flow and the work of blood cells. Another important property that we can not miss is the ability to repair damaged cells due to the presence of nicotinic acid. For those who watch their weight, peanuts are useful not only because of their nutritional value, but also by the availability of fiber, which cleanses the intestines from toxins, slags and various harmful substances.

In large quantities, peanuts contain B vitamins, which take part in the functioning of all organs, especially in the work of the nervous system and the brain. With regular use of nuts in small quantities, you can improve memory, get rid of insomnia and headaches, cope with stress, nervous tension and even with depression. Still vitamins of group B are powerful antioxidants which resist to processes of aging and conduct active struggle against free radicals.

Caloric content of walnut

Caloric content of raw peanuts is 548 kcal per 100 grams, and the amount of protein is 26.3 g, fats - 45.2 grams, and carbohydrates 9.7 g. Nuts are considered an ideal product for snacking. It is enough to eat a few pieces to satisfy hunger and get a boost of energy. Peanuts are on the list of many diets, as it is better to eat a handful of useful nuts than a portion of fatty foods, while the caloric content of the first and second versions will be approximately the same. For vegetarians, nuts generally play the role of banned meat.

What is harmful about peanuts?

Let's talk now about the contraindications and harm that can come from the peanut. First of all, it should be said that peanuts are on the list of strong allergens, especially for raw nut. Before use, peanuts should be peeled off.

A non-heat treated nut can cause problems with the digestive system. It should be said about the salted peanuts, the calorie content of which is 1005 grams and is 605 kcal. When used in large quantities, you can cause fluid retention, which will lead to swelling and weight gain.

Roasted peanuts

Nutritionists say that when roasting, peanuts become even more useful, because thanks to the thermal treatment a protective layer is formed, which prevents the possibility of vitamin E to break down. In addition, due to frying, the concentration of antioxidants increases in nuts. Just remember that fry should be on minimal heat without salt and oil. As for calories, in fried peanuts per 100 grams there are 608.64 kcal.