Isometric exercises for losing weight at home

There are many types of exercise that help to fully exercise muscles and develop the body in different directions. Specialists recommend giving in their training time isometric exercises, which have a number of important useful properties.

What is isometric exercise?

Depending on the movements performed, the muscles can contract in three different ways, so there is an eccentric, concentric and isometric contraction. In the latter case, unlike other variants, the muscles do not change their length during training. Isometric exercises - this is a force load , in which the muscle tension is achieved without movement. Their essence lies in the fact that for 6-12 seconds. The maximum effort is spent to resist the resistance of different objects.

Types of isometric exercises

All exercises related to this type of reduction can be divided into three different categories. The first group includes pure isometric-static movements, when the muscles resist insuperable resistance. The second category includes isometric physical exercises performed with weights, and when they are performed, pauses are maintained to obtain the necessary tension. The third group includes movements for which the maximum burden is applied.

What do isometric exercises do?

The performance of such exercises is effective and gives a chance in a short time to achieve good results. Thanks to training, muscle strength increases, so scientists have proved that exposing muscles to an isometric load for six seconds every day, for 10 weeks it will be possible to increase their strength by 5%. Doing static exercises in isometric mode can focus on certain stages of movement, which improves the results of training. Still there is an improvement in body control and flexibility.

Isometric exercises are good

Many do not use an isometric load in their training, thus making a serious mistake, as it has a number of useful actions. With regular repetition, you can start the process of losing weight and tighten the figure. This is due to the fact that deep muscle layers of stabilizing muscles are activated during exercise, metabolic processes are activated and the body cleanses of toxins .

In addition, there is strengthening of different muscle groups. It is worth noting the positive effect of isometric exercises on the heart and blood circulation. They help protect themselves from the negative effects of stress and maintain a hormonal balance that regulates the composition of body weight. It is useful for patients with bed rest during rehabilitation, and it helps athletes to relieve muscle tension and pain. Exercise is recommended for general health promotion.

How to perform isometric exercises?

To obtain the declared benefits and minimize the risk of injury, it is necessary to take into account the basic rules of such training. You need to start with an understanding of your body, in time to notice the signals that it will send. This will allow you to stop in time or, on the contrary, increase the voltage. Isometric exercise should be performed in accordance with the following principles:

  1. The effort should be invested in the whole body, and not just the limbs, as this will help to use the maximum number of tendons.
  2. Do not forget about the breath that should be calm. If you can not keep even breathing, then stop.
  3. Isometric exercises must be performed smoothly, avoiding jerking.
  4. To get results, sometimes enough about and one approach. This assertion was scientifically proven.
  5. Be sure to do warm-up before training to prepare muscles and tendons for hard work. This minimizes the risk of injury.
  6. Begin to do the exercises with 70% effort, and then gradually increase it.
  7. To get results, you should do it three times a week.

Isometric exercise complex

  1. "Plank" . Take the emphasis lying, placing emphasis on the forearms. Hold the body in the forward position for as long as possible.
  2. Isometric push-ups . Take the emphasis lying, with your arms under your chest. Go down, bending your elbows to 10-20 cm to the floor. Lock the position and stay there for at least 10 seconds. After lifting, rest a few seconds and repeat all over again.
  3. Corner . There are isometric exercises at home to work out the press, which includes the presented version. Sit on your back, raise your legs about 20 cm, and then, lift the body to make the body form an angle. Keep your hands parallel to the floor. Hold this position for as long as possible.
  4. Hand cultivation . This isometric exercise studies deltoid muscles. Take the dumbbell and stand up straight, placing your feet shoulder width apart. Raise your arms to the sides before they reach the parallel with the floor. Hold the position for 15-30 seconds.
  5. Squats against the wall . Stand at a small distance from the wall and firmly press your back to it. Slowly crouch until the hips reach the parallel with the floor. In the knees should be a right angle. Remain in this position as long as possible.

Simulators for isometric exercises

There is a special simulator that promotes the use of isometric tension, developing the strength of individual muscle groups and increasing the strength of the tendons and ligaments. A conventional simulator consists of a frame on which a support base is mounted. It can move and contains a fixed power unit. The bench is attached directly to the frame.

To perform different isometric strength exercises on the simulator there is a means for fixing a certain position of the body, and it is installed on the support frame. The power unit consists of two coupled dynamometers with contact rings fixed on the rods. There is an information monitor and electric seconds. Having a simulator scheme, you can build it yourself for home workouts.

Isometric exercises - contraindications

As with any other type of training and the static load, there are contraindications that are important to consider. In order to take into account possible negative consequences in the presence of chronic diseases, it is recommended to consult a doctor beforehand. Exercises in isometric mode can not be performed with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cesarean section and problems with vision. Refuse from training should be with varicose veins, hemorrhoids and asthma.

Often, in the presence of such problems, you just need to limit the load or pick up safe isometric exercises. It is important to take into account that if the movements are incorrectly performed, you can get injured or provoke pressure spikes. Experts recommend correctly calculate their strength, because excessive loads can be harmful.