How to inscribe a child in a foreign passport?

On the eve of the summer vacation season, many parents are beginning to not only choose and book vouchers, but also are preparing the necessary documents for themselves and their children.

Today in most developed countries of the world there is an opportunity to get your own passport for the child from the first days of his life. Meanwhile, some moms and dads, for various reasons, prefer not to have a separate document for their child , but to insert his data into his own passport.

In this article, we will try to understand the difficult question of how to inscribe a child, including a newborn, in the passport of the parent in Russia and Ukraine.

How to fit a child in a foreign passport in Ukraine?

To inscribe an underage child in a foreign passport of the mother or father, you should apply to the Visa and Registration Department (OVIR) of the State Migration Service of Ukraine. In this case, you need a valid passport of one of the parents, an internal passport and a birth certificate of the baby. In addition, you have to pay a state fee of 80 hryvnia.

For children aged 5 to 14 years, in addition, you will have to provide 3 photos, one of which is also pasted into your passport. For children up to the age of five, gluing a photograph is optional, but it should be borne in mind that embassies of certain countries may refuse to issue a visa in the absence of a photo in the document.

Adolescents over the age of 14 are required to have their travel document and do not fit into the parents' passport.

Do they enter the passport in Russia?

In the Russian Federation, the procedure for writing a child in the passport of the pope or mother, in principle, is already outdated. Today, even the youngest children are mostly documented by their own passport, but in rare cases, parents want to enter the baby in their documents. Next, we will tell you where you can enter the child in the passport of the parent in Russia, at what time this procedure takes place, and what documents you will need.

To begin with, it should be stipulated that the possibility of entering data on a minor child exists only for a passport of an old model with a shelf life of 5 years. Meanwhile, more than 80% of the population of the Russian Federation, documented by a foreign passport, have a passport with an electronic carrier of information, the validity of which is 10 years.

If you have a valid old passport, you can contact the district department of the Federal Migration Service to fill in the data of a child of any age, but strictly up to the age of 14. To do this you will need 2 photos of the baby and his birth certificate, as well as a receipt for payment of the state duty in the amount of 500 rubles.

The time of registration of this procedure in practice is about 2-3 weeks, but can be reduced by the application of a citizen.