Vampire cartoons

Children love stories about fairy-tale creatures. Keep in mind that vampires are not always evil monsters, but rather vice versa. In many films, vampires are shown as good creatures. However, before you include your new cartoon child, do not be lazy to read the description and reviews about it. If your child is from 3 to 10 years old and he adores these cartoon characters, then you will need the following list of interesting cartoons about vampires.

Cartoons about vampires and werewolves

  1. The fascinating German cartoon series "School of Vampires" will tell the children about the little vampyrians who are studying at the Von Horrikus school to become real adult vampires. The main character of the children's series is a boy named Oscar. He, strangely enough, is afraid of blood, and because of this falls into various vampire scuffs. In addition, Oscar has his own little secret: he is in love with an ordinary mortal girl, whose grandfather's grandfather is a famous vampire hunter.
  2. At the moment, already shot 4 seasons of the children's cartoon "School of Vampires" and released a computer game with the same name. The last season of this cartoon about the vampires is due out in late 2013.
  3. "Scooby-Doo and the school of vampires" - a sequel to the well-known cartoon about a cowardly dog. This time a 1.5-hour vampire cartoon from Disney will tell you about the new adventures of Scooby-Doo and his friend Shaggy. They are arranged by teachers in the school of vampire bloodsuckers. But everything is not so simple as they imagined, because their wards are the daughters of the most dangerous monsters in the world!
  4. For teen girls, anime cartoons about vampires and love will suit. For example, such as "Knight-vampire". According to the plot, the students of the Academy Cross are engaged in two shifts. And the students of the night shift - beautiful guys in white form - also vampires. And that the day students do not know about it, the rector appoints two elders (his adopted children Zero and Yuki). But high school girls like a magnet pulls to night vampire knights!
  5. Another "anime" cartoon about vampires - "D: Vampire Hunter". Here, the bloodsuckers play the role of negative heroes who seized power on earth. The main heroine is Doris Lang, the daughter of a werewolf hunter, who is trying to fight with them on her own. And then one day she is attacked by Magnus Lee, the chief vampire of the county. He bit her, but left him alive. Then Doris hires one of the best vampire hunters known as D (Dee). She does not yet know that he is a dhampir (half-human-half-vampire). This is a lively, entertaining cartoon for adventurers with the participation of fantastic heroes. For fans of Japanese cartoons in the anime genre, the sequel to Di: Bloodlust is removed.
  6. "Vampires Geonas" and "Masters of Geon" - Russian cartoon about vampires. He narrates about an unusual planet, inhabited by bloodsuckers and other mysterious creatures. "Vampires Geones" - a cartoon still of Soviet production, released in 1991. This product of a fantastic genre is designed for boys and girls of adolescence.
  7. "Monsters on vacation" - modern animated film for children and adults. It tells how Count Dracula invited all the cartoon monsters: mummies, werewolves and Frankenstein to the holiday of his daughter Mavis's 118th birthday. Birthday is celebrated in the hotel "Transylvania", where mere mortals are forbidden entry. But, despite this, the holiday is still penetrated by an American tourist, who immediately falls in love with an adult vampire Mavis. Naturally, a caring father struggles to survive a man from the monastery monastery.

Also children are very fond of watching cartoons and other non-existent heroes: dragons and superheroes .