Inhalers for children

Every mother loves her child and wants him to be always healthy, but none of them is immune from a cold or other viral infection. That's why choosing an inhaler is a serious matter for moms.

In this article we have collected information about all types of inhalers for children, their differences, merits and demerits. With our help, you will certainly get a crushing blow to any cold.

What are inhalers for children?

All inhalers that you can meet in pharmacies and other specialized stores are divided into four different types:

Steam inhaler for children

Steam inhalers for children are the cheapest kind of inhalers. The principle of its action is also the easiest - it is based on the evaporation of therapeutic solutions, which turn into steam.



Electronic Mesh Inhaler for Children

This inhaler can be called one of the most effective, as the drug is sprayed using a low-frequency method. With the help of this method, medicines, even those that do not experience high temperatures, like with a steam inhaler, do not disintegrate, but reach directly to the source of the disease.



Nebulizer for children

If your child has bronchial asthma , obstructive bronchitis , or any other respiratory disease, you just need a nebulizer. This is a wonderful inhaler, which is indispensable for children with the above diseases. The nebulizers include a compressor inhaler and an ultrasonic inhaler for children.


Differences ultrasonic from the compressor inhaler for children:

Which inhaler is best for the baby?

If we analyze all the information that was described above, we can conclude that the nebulizer is the most suitable means for fighting absolutely all respiratory diseases in the child. It is not only more efficient than the steam, but also much more convenient to use. However, before using any kind of inhaler to treat your child, you should consult a doctor.

And advice specifically for mothers, how to make a child breathe an inhaler: many babies do not like this activity, and you go to the trick and ask the child to play in a locomotive. We are sure that he will like it.