The child paints with black paints

All children love to draw. Parents usually rejoice at such activities of their children, but sometimes the child's drawings can cause excitement, especially if they are performed in dark colors. Is it worth worrying about this and why the child began to paint in black, we will explain in this article.

Why does the child draw with dark flowers?

Analyzing the child's drawings, several factors should be taken into account at once:

If the child draws in black or chooses dark shades for his drawings - this is often a testament to his depressed emotional state. When emotional unrest, which causes bad health of the child, it reflects this not only in the color palette, but also in the image. People or objects in such drawings children usually paint with strong pressure.

The child should find out what he painted, why he used exactly the dark colors for his drawings. Perhaps, through such a conversation, the child will name the cause of his anxious state. As a rule, bad mood, well-being or aggression in children are manifested not only on paper, but also in behavior.

The reason that a child draws with dark colors can be:

If a small child draws in black

Analyzing the drawings of children, it is equally important to take into account their age. All the above reasons are more typical for children older than 4 years old. If a small child is drawing a black pencil or dark paints, then the cause for concern, most likely, no.

The fact that the kids do not yet perceive their drawings as a reflection of the surrounding world, so the sun can be brown, and the grass is black. Dark colors are preferred by small children due to the fact that they contrast with the white album sheet and the picture seems brighter to them.

In rare cases, drawings made using dark colors reflect the internal state of the kids. Causes may be the same as in older children, but anxiety, aggression, or sadness are clearly manifested in behavior. Neither adults nor small children should not be forbidden to draw with dark colors. If a child is really worried and anxious, he can, in this way, alleviate his emotional state.