How to treat cervical erosion?

Erosion of the cervix is ​​one of the diagnoses that very often gynecologists enter into the cards of their patients. There is true erosion, which is a defect in the mucous neck, as well as ectopia or pseudo-erosion, when a pathological displacement of the epithelium occurs. Most often, when diagnosing a doctor, the doctor has in mind ectopia. The disease occurs without severe symptoms, because women usually find out about it on a preventive examination. But do not delay treatment, because the affected area of ​​the cervix can become a site of infection, as well as increase the risk of cancer.

Modern women are attentive to their health, therefore, after hearing such a diagnosis, they are looking for an answer to the question of how to treat erosion of the cervix. An experienced doctor selects the method individually for each patient. The choice is influenced by a number of factors:

Since this disease is common, then there are enough treatment options. Before any final decision on how to treat erosion, any qualified specialist will conduct a survey.

Electrocoagulation - electrical cautery

This long-known method is that during the procedure the doctor acts on the affected areas with a high-frequency current. The method is efficient and cheap, but it has significant drawbacks. The fact is that after cauterization a cicatrix is ​​formed on the cervix, which during birth can not allow a normal opening to occur. Therefore, when gynecologists need to decide how to treat erosion to nulliparous patients, then there is no talk about the appointment of such treatment. Currently, doctors rarely use it, since the procedure can cause bleeding. Therefore, in order to avoid such consequences, more often they turn to more modern variants.

Cryodestruction - cold treatment

When an issue arises, how to treat cervical erosion, doctors often choose the method of cauterizing with nitrogen, that is, they freeze affected tissues, which leads to their destruction. This is a well-proven approach to solving a problem that has a number of advantages:

However, freezing has its contraindications. For example, it can not be used in large areas of ectopia.

Laser treatment

This safe, gentle, modern procedure allows you to handle significant damage with a laser beam.

Treatment by radio waves

More recently, in the arsenal of gynecologists, the possibility of treating ectopy with the help of the apparatus "Surgitron", which by means of radio waves removes the affected areas. The method has proved to be effective, not causing complications, painless. If there is a question about how best to treat erosion to nulliparous women, then this method will perfectly suit.

Home treatment

Of course, self-healing with erosion is unacceptable, but sometimes there may be a question about how to treat erosion with folk remedies. For example, expectant mothers often find an ectopia, but none of the treatment methods can be applied. Depending on a number of factors, either postpone the procedure for the postpartum period, or decide how to treat erosion during pregnancy.

There are several common means. As a rule, to treat erosion at home are taken with tampons with honey and onions. Prepare the medicine immediately before use.

The second known folk method is the use of the beneficial properties of sea-buckthorn. This berry has a strong antiseptic and drying effect. To treat erosion it is possible both with tampons with sea buckthorn oil, and chemist's candles.

In any case, it is better to consult a specialist who will recommend a suitable solution to the problem.