Antibacterial drugs in gynecology

Among the diseases of the female reproductive system, the leading positions are occupied by inflammatory processes. This trend is associated with many factors: constant stress, poor nutrition, promiscuous sex life, poor ecology and, as a result, numerous infections against the background of reduced immunity do their job.

Therefore, the role of antibiotic drugs in gynecology can not be overestimated.

Antibiotic therapy in gynecology

Antibacterial therapy in gynecology is successfully used in the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the uterus and appendages, the vagina, pelvic peritoneum. Antibiotics are prescribed with caution, mainly focusing on the pathogen and its sensitivity to this or that component. In addition, in each specific case, the dosage, duration of administration, and compatibility with other medications used are selected. All these nuances should be taken into account by the attending physician.

To date, the pharmaceutical market offers a wide range of antibacterial drugs, which differ in price policy, in efficiency to different types of bacteria, as well as in the form of release.

Special attention in gynecology is given to antibacterial agents of local action, with different names they are presented in the form:

Antibacterial candles are most often used in complex treatment, they have broad antimicrobial activity, effectively eliminate the symptoms of the inflammatory process, and are also convenient to use. Duration of admission varies depending on the nature of the disease. Also, topical preparations are used for prevention before the forthcoming surgical intervention. Antibacterial suppositories with such names as Polizinaks, Klion-D, Pimafucin, Terzhinan, etc., have proven themselves in the practice of gynecology.