Climacteric syndrome - how to reduce all manifestations in women?

The process of extinction of the reproductive system in a woman can take several years. The first symptoms of this phenomenon can be observed long before the termination of menstruation. The totality of signs and manifestations of this process was called climacteric syndrome.

Climacteric syndrome - what is it?

Climacteric syndrome - a combination of symptoms, signs and manifestations, which indicate the gradual extinction of the reproductive system. The first symptoms of the syndrome appear during the premenopausal period and in some cases persist in postmenopausal women . The duration of this syndrome has a long time frame - it can last from several months to 5 years (30% of women).

In half of patients, symptoms of menopause periodically manifest themselves. When the climacteric syndrome in women, the symptoms manifest themselves in episodes over a period of 5-10 years. According to medical observations and complaints of women appealing to them, manifestations of climacteric syndrome are more pronounced during the year preceding menopause, then their intensity and frequency decrease. However, complete disappearance does not occur.

Climacteric syndrome - pathogenesis

To understand how the climacteric syndrome manifests, it is necessary to pay attention to the main provoking factor. The reason for the appearance of symptoms indicating the onset of menopause is the change in the hormonal background. In women, there is a decrease in the synthesis of sex hormones - estrogens. These substances not only control the work of the reproductive system, but also affect other organs. Their deficiency is reflected in the work of the cardiovascular and nervous system (violations from these organs are fixed during the menopause).

It should be noted that changes of this kind are characteristic for all women of mature age. However, the time of their appearance, the degree of expression can vary. In some cases, a pathological climacteric syndrome can be observed, when the symptoms are so pronounced that they completely change the habitual way of life. Violation of the physiological decline of the reproductive system, according to gynecologists, can contribute to the following factors:

How is menopausal syndrome manifested in women?

The first symptoms of climacteric syndrome appear almost immediately after cessation of menstruation or during the year with menopause. Often physicians fix a wavy course, when the main symptoms, disappearing for a while, appear again. A characteristic symptom of climacteric syndrome is a neuropsychic disorder characterized by a disruption of the central nervous system. Among other possible manifestations, doctors call:

Psychoneurotic manifestations of climacteric syndrome

This group of symptoms is usually referred to manifestations of menopause caused by a disorder of the central nervous system. The first signs of this kind of women begin to notice already after the termination of regular menstruation. The concentration of hormones in the blood decreases, and this leads to frequent mood swings, the development of insomnia. Psycho-neurotic manifestations of climacteric syndrome include:

Vasovegative manifestations of climacteric syndrome

The vegetative manifestations of the climacteric syndrome are caused by the disruption of the cardiovascular system. Frequent changes in blood pressure, increased work of sweat glands, violation of the heart rhythm cause the appearance of characteristic symptoms. It:

Climacteric syndrome - severity

In practice, doctors use a certain classification. Its author is VP Vikhlyaeva. The basis is the division of the climacteric syndrome into different degrees of severity, depending on the frequency of the appearance of tides:

  1. 1 degree (light form) - when the number of tides per day does not exceed 10 episodes (occurs in 47% of patients).
  2. 2 degree (moderate severity) - the number of episodes of a sudden feeling of heat, tides is 10-20 episodes per day (35% of women).
  3. 3 degree, or as it is called, a severe climacteric syndrome - hot flashes are noted more than 20 times a day. The general state of health worsens, at times the woman can not lead a habitual way of life and is compelled to undergo treatment in a hospital.

Climacteric syndrome - diagnosis

Confirm climacteric syndrome in women can only by diagnostic tests, some signs and symptoms are not enough. In general, the diagnosis of the violation does not cause difficulties. It includes:

  1. Accounting for the regularity or absence of such a parameter of the menstrual cycle.
  2. Blood test for sex hormones.
  3. Exclusion of concomitant pathologies of the reproductive system, which may have similar symptoms with those described above.
  4. Consultation of the therapist, oculist (assessment of the condition of the fundus), endocrinologist.

Climacteric syndrome - treatment

Treatment of climacteric syndrome should be carried out in a complex manner. The scheme of therapy is developed by the doctor individually, taking into account the patient's age, symptom severity, hormonal status. In most cases, treatment begins with the organization of a healthy lifestyle - rejection of bad habits, increased physical activity. Short-term physical exercises five-minute help not only reduce the manifestations of climacteric syndrome, but also improve the performance of the cardiovascular system.

Climacteric syndrome - clinical recommendations

If a woman has a climacteric syndrome, doctors give advice on how to deal with it only after a full study of the patient's anamnesis, the collection of all data. There is no universal method that can solve existing health problems, reduce the number of bouts of tides. Each case is unique, therefore the therapy scheme is developed by the doctor individually, taking into account the results of studies and analyzes. In general, the treatment of climacteric syndrome may include:

Climacteric syndrome - treatment, drugs

Treatment for menopausal syndrome in women is carried out under the strict supervision of doctors. The basis of drug therapy is hormonal drugs. Dosage, frequency of administration and duration of treatment are determined individually. Among drugs prescribed for such a violation, as a climacteric syndrome, it is necessary to distinguish:

  1. Estrogens (appointed in case of insufficient production by their uterus): Femoston, Divina.
  2. Gestagens (used to correct diseases of the reproductive system accompanying menopause): Norkolut, Prozhestan, Utrozhestan.
  3. Combined oral contraceptives : Logest, Novinet.

Prevention of climacteric syndrome

Modern methods of preventing menopausal syndrome suggest a complete revision of the habitual way of life and diet. Scientists have proved that eating certain foods and dishes, a woman can partially fill the lack of sex hormones, reducing the manifestations that accompany climacteric syndrome. Mandatory in the diet of women older than 40 years should be present:

However, the optimal diet can not completely eliminate the development of the disorder.

To minimize the risk of climacteric syndrome, doctors advise:

  1. Monitor body weight.
  2. Eliminate stress and psycho-emotional stress.
  3. To pass or take place in due time an appointed treatment.
  4. Treat infectious diseases.
  5. Regularly undergo preventive examinations at the gynecologist (at least 2 times a year).