Clicks for boys cats

Choosing a favorite for yourself, many face the main problem - how to call it. After all, this happiness will live with you more than one year, and every day will be held in close contact with him. Therefore, the name should be simple for pronunciation and pleasant for perception. The choice of a nickname for cats of boys depends on their nature and breed, because, like a person, each cat is individual.

Clicks for Scottish Boys Cats

Scottish cats are strong in the soul, but they are calm and good-natured in appearance, very fond of human communication and rather unpretentious. Such pets can be called a name associated with Scotland and England:

Clicks for the Fold Scottish cats of the boys are selected, given their sweet appearance - Mouse, Zolotse, Kid. Do not forget the names associated with the color of the cat - Gray, Smoke, Peach, Tiger, Apricot.

Clicks for Siamese male cats

This cat family came to Europe from Thailand, where the cats were sacred beings, were considered a relic and were used for rituals. They have a shiny short hair, an elegant small body and a wedge-shaped head. Siamese cats are very jealous, they are attached to their masters and are wary of strangers. In connection with their historical past, you can choose such names:

Clicks for cats of Sphynx boys

Sphynx is an exotic and unusual breed of cats, which means that their names should be unusual and original. Despite the fact that these animals have nothing in common with Egypt, they are given the nicknames that come from this ancient civilization - Apis, Anubis, Wien, Jer, Djoser, Osiris, Shai, Ahmose, and others.

Clicks for gray cats boys

You can choose any name for this miracle. Be sure to consider the breed of the cat and its character. The most popular nicknames for cats are gray boys: Dimok, Gray, Mouse, Ashes, Gray, Dust, Puff, Smokey, Serge. All these names correspond to color.

A nickname for a black cat boy

It is believed that black cats are the most mysterious animals. Our grandmothers also compared them to witches and sorcerers and believed that they brought misfortune into the house. In our time, this is considered a prejudice. To have a black cat in the house is very profitable, because:

Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is to name a kitten:

Nicknames for white male cats

In your house there was a white treasure - the personification of good and coziness, now it's up to you to choose the same bright name. Vaska and Murki are a thing of the past. Include a little imagination, observe the behavior and nature of the kitten. The principles by which you can choose a name: