Sauerkraut - useful properties

Strange as it may seem, the first mention of sauerkraut was found in the Chinese chronicles of the beginning of the construction of the Great Wall of China. Let us consider this product to be "our own", but even if wise in the field of medicine, the Chinese have long appreciated the useful properties of sauerkraut, so there really is something in it.

Why is sauerkraut useful?

First of all, sauerkraut is useful for the whole GI tract. It is known for a high content of bifidobacteria (as they say, if there is sauerkraut, you can do without bio-kefir), which, getting into the intestines, displace harmful microflora, and they themselves populate it (this is only a plus).

Thus, regular consumption of sauerkraut relieves bloating, flatulence, constipation, as well as all other indicators of the unbearable work of the digestive system.

What is also useful in sauerkraut is its effect on the condition of people prone to gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis, as well as those who found themselves at the initial stage of the disease. Sour cabbage has a beneficial effect on their organisms, wholly improving the gastrointestinal tract due to the content:

Salad from sauerkraut flavored with olive oil is very useful and recommended for people with diabetes mellitus - this product actively normalizes the concentration of sugar in the blood.

Sauerkraut with weight loss

Weight loss on sauerkraut is incredibly popular, because even the aforementioned cabbage salad with vegetable oil will only pull 50 kcal (and in pure form, our cabbage is even more dietary - only 19 kcal).

However, one should not resort to mono-diets based on sauerkraut. Firstly, it is a very salty product that needs to be dosed, otherwise swellings can not be avoided. Secondly, such a mono-diet is not considered balanced, but is a strong signal to slow the metabolism .

Lose weight easier - add a small saucer with sauerkraut as a side dish to any dish.