Korean chrysanthemum

Chrysanthemum is Korean or just oak - a long-term small-flower hybrid of garden chrysanthemum, characterized by high frost resistance and used for growing outdoors.

There are a lot of varieties of Korean chrysanthemum, which are divided into different characters:

Chrysanthemum Korean: planting and care

  1. Location . For the cultivation of Korean chrysanthemum, a sunny area is best suited, without closely located groundwater with loose and rich humus soil.
  2. Care . It consists in obligatory loosening in the first month after planting, watering, mulching the soil with a fine pine bark, needles, or oat straw, to prevent fungal diseases, and fertilizing. The first fertilizing is recommended to be carried out with nitrogen fertilizers, the second after 2 weeks - with cow dung or bird droppings, and the third, during the budding period, with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer.
  3. Formation of a bush . This is very important especially for Korean shrub chrysanthemums. For this, when the young shoots grow to 10-15 cm and they release 5-7 leaves already, their top should be pinched. When from each leaf left above, shoots will appear, they will also need to be pricked. This contributes to the formation of beautiful lush bushes. But it is necessary to know that after the last pinches, the bush will start to bloom only in a month.
  4. Pruning . Be sure to chrysanthemums after the end of flowering cut to the root, and in the spring, after the emergence of new shoots - remove all the remains of the stems, especially the central one.
  5. Landing . You can not land in the open ground of a blooming Korean chrysanthemum in autumn, it's best to leave it until spring.
  6. Transplantation . To transplant each bush follows every 2-3 years, with the obligatory division of the rhizome.

Korean Chrysanthemum: Reproduction

You can propagate Korean chrysanthemums in the same way as ordinary garden ones - seeds, division of bushes and cuttings.

Cuttings are prepared for planting when the temperature of the air warms up to 21-26 ° C. We do it this way:

Planting shoots obtained by dividing the bush and cuttings, should be carried out no later than the second half of May - beginning of June, withstanding between them 30 cm, and for spreading shrubs - 40 cm. The first days after planting, these shoots should be watered abundantly.

Cultivation of chrysanthemum seeds from Korean is more troublesome as follows:

With this type of reproduction, species specific features of the variety are not preserved, but the flowers are more adapted to different weather conditions.

Korean Chrysanthemum: Diseases and Problems

If the growing conditions (excess water, unsuitable soil) are violated, the Korean chrysanthemum is susceptible to such fungal diseases as spotting, stem and root rot. It is damaged by leaf and root nematodes and aphids , but compliance with the rules of agricultural technology and the use of modern drugs helps to cope with these problems.

Beautiful small-flowered Korean chrysanthemum will decorate your garden with the splendor of its flowering autumn bushes.