How to get rid of aphids?

Garden aphids are a frequent "uninvited guest" in orchards, orchards, greenhouses, this pest is often found on house plants. Aphids on plants are completely insecure, this is a real problem. The pest sucks juices from young leaves, buds, flowers and shoots. In addition, aphids can tolerate viral infections that cause gall formation on the leaves, which seriously weakens the plants. The leaves twist and turn yellow, the shoots warp. Allocation of aphids contaminate the surface of the leaves, and this disrupts the normal life of plants and can even lead to their death.

We get rid of pests

How to get rid of aphids? This question is asked not only by agronomists and plant protection specialists, but also by many amateur gardeners, greenhouse owners and indoor plant lovers. Destruction of aphids is not an easy task. Find an effective remedy against aphids, and even such that does not harm plants is quite difficult. Protect the plant against aphids in various ways.

Some prepare and use infusions and / or broths of cultivated and wild plants that possess insecticidal properties. The case is potato and tomato tops, onions, garlic, bitter peppers, spurge, celandine, dandelion, tobacco and other plants. The ecological nature of such facilities does not cause doubts, but their effectiveness can only be tested in practice. Many gardeners report a sufficient effectiveness of natural remedies, and, of course, their use is almost safe for humans, which can not be said about chemicals.

Prevention is better than cure

Preventive protection against aphids through proper spraying of plants with infusions and decoctions of various herbs can be quite effective. In order to increase the effectiveness of such products in vegetable infusions and decoctions add a weak solution of laundry soap (in small amounts) and a little vegetable oil. A water soapy-oily solution containing natural insecticides, when sprayed, creates a thin film on parts of plants, which after a while is painlessly washed off by rain or watering. It is advisable to repeat the treatment several times with an indispensable interval (days 2-3). In general, protection spraying should be repeated from time to time several times per season. Of course, the leaves should not be continuously under such a film, they need to breathe.

Spray plants properly

Plants should be sprayed in such a way that the solution falls abundantly on the back side of the leaf (mostly there are aphids and "grazes"). It is very important not to be late with the first sprinkling in the spring, in order not to give the aphids the opportunity to produce a massive population of plants. It is advisable to alternate different insecticidal solutions in order to avoid getting used to aphids. Tree trunks must be treated with lime or Bordeaux fluid - this also reduces the probability of infection with decay.

Other ways to combat the fungus

A sufficiently effective preventive agent that protects plants from aphids is the systematic introduction of natural potash fertilizer into the soil in the form of wood ash. In the spring (and it is possible in the autumn), for each tree, some the amount of wood ash, immediately after this it is necessary to conduct a digging of the soil. It is also very important to remove weeds from the beds in a timely manner (aphids can pass from weeds). Attention should also be paid to combating black ants, which can constitute stable symbiosis with garden aphid. Ants can carry aphid larvae and "herd" adults, protecting them from other insects. Planting some of the sharply smelling herbaceous plants (onion, garlic, mint, wild garlic, dill, coriander, etc.) in the immediate vicinity of trees and bushes also prevents infestation of decay and, in addition, attracts insects that destroy aphids. There are also methods that attract small birds that eat aphids.

If all this does not help, then, of course, it is not bad either to replace the infected plant or to start using chemical insecticides.