How to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse - the best ways

When vegetable crops enter the phase of vigorous growth, there is a risk of falling or breaking the stem under the weight of leaves or fruits. To understand how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse, the advice of specialists on the choice of fixing devices and support methods will help to fully assemble even the richest harvest.

Do I need to tie tomatoes?

In attaching the stems of tomatoes to a stable support, the need does not always arise. There are varieties, agricultural technology and hybrid characteristics of which do not presuppose the installation of supporting rails. For example, a garter of a tomato in a greenhouse, if they belong to grades with limited growth, is useless. Such tomatoes grow to 40-50 cm in height and have a sturdy stem that does not fall down. The number of reasons why tomatoes need tie-ups include:

  1. Decomposition of stem stem. Ampel varieties are prone to spread, because of what leaves and flowers are constantly in contact with moist soil. To stop the process of rotting and infecting the peduncles, the stem is attached in a vertical rack or stretched cord.
  2. Low yield. As though it would not be desirable to save time, to tie up tomatoes in a greenhouse costs even for the sake of plentiful fruiting. Otherwise, an active vegetation of the lateral shoots, which steals the vitality of the tomato fruit, will begin.
  3. Indetermination. Unlimited growth energy can not be controlled in any other way. The garter is carried out so that the varieties with growth of 2-2.5 m do not reach 3-4 m.

When should I tie tomatoes?

The optimum time for giving direction to tomato growth is determined based on the growth of the cultivated variety. A correct garter tomato in the greenhouse assumes that at least 8-10 real leaves have already appeared on the plant, and the thickness of the lower part of the stem reaches at least 1 cm. The following terms for this manipulation are distinguished:

Options for garter tomatoes

The fastening to the garter is performed by one of several existing techniques. You can choose a specific one, taking into account such factors as the area of ​​the garden, the number of plants in each ridge and the width of the bushes. The best ways to garter a tomato come in the list:

  1. Fastening to a cone or prism. When the tomatoes are planted in a circular fashion, a frame is installed in the center of the ridge and 4-5 plants are fixed on it at the same time.
  2. Horizontal trellis. The method is good for beginners, because it allows to regulate the growth of tomato as it develops.
  3. Vertical trellis. Recommendations gardeners on the question of how to tie tomatoes in a greenhouse, agree that vertical rods or ropes require less financial costs and thus very much hope.

Garter of tall tomatoes in a greenhouse

The main stalk of an indeterminate tomato is so strong that the root system feeding it requires a lot of area and frequent top dressing. Tall varieties last longer than the fruit when watering under the root, so the fasteners of the garter should not interfere with the legs, otherwise the rods or rope loops will begin to rot upon contact with water. The procedure for revealing how to properly tie tomatoes includes several stages:

  1. Loosening of the soil to saturate it with oxygen and facilitate ramming of rails or rods.
  2. Installation at the edges of the bed of stakes at 2.5-3 m in height.
  3. Attach the cords to the stakes and tie the stems of tomato on them.
  4. Adding new cords as the tomato shoots develop.

Garter of medium-height tomatoes in a greenhouse

Varieties with a fast and high growth are unpretentious, in contrast to the medium-sized ones with the height of the main stem up to 1 m. Tomatoes of medium height require careful care, formation and garter of the bush. The decision on how to tie tomatoes should take into account these features of tomato cultivation. The only optimal scheme in this case is horizontally stretched cords, disciplining the lateral shoots of the plant.

Gadget Gadget

The design for fixing tomato stems, as a rule, is made independently. In the stores of garden implements, you can find its components, made of high-strength yarn, wood, light metal. The device for gartering tomatoes in a greenhouse can consist of the following elements:

Twine for a garter tomato

Twine is used to attach vines of ampel or indeterminate tomatoes to a vertical trellis or wire mesh. In order not to have 2-3 times a year to decide how to tie a tomato in a greenhouse with twine, if it crumbles or breaks, it is necessary to choose hemp or cotton rope. The polypropylene twine breaks into pieces, and the linen rope becomes soaked in the rain, which causes the bush with tomatoes to fall to the ground. The garter is performed on one knot and with the condition of free fitting of the stem, so as not to disturb the movement of juices to leaves and ripening tomatoes.

A loop for gartering tomatoes

Loose loaves of tomatoes are also tied to a vertical trellis or horizontal rails under the ceiling of the greenhouse. Other ways of gartering a tomato can damage the stem, while in the soft loop the main stem of the plant lies freely. The mechanism of tying a loop involves such stages:

  1. Cutting of twine into pieces of 70-100 cm.
  2. Two standing next to the stem of the tomato are gripped with one loop with the expectation that the length of the ends of the ropes differ significantly at different ends.
  3. The short end of the twine is turned under the base of the loop.
  4. The edge of the twine is wound in a loop, tightening the knot.

Clothespins for garter tomatoes

Protectors on springs or ring gear are called ideal for beginners. All other methods of garter tomatoes require at least some experience and garden tools. With the help of clothespins, the stems of tomatoes can be attached to almost any surface:

Tweed rods for tomatoes

By inexperience, truck farmers try to install wood rods to support the stems. Their lack is considered lightness, because of which they are unstable, unable to bear the weight of plants and gusts of wind. Recently, more and more often expressed opinion on how to properly tie tomatoes in the greenhouse to increase the reliability of the design, denying the very possibility of using even wooden stakes for this, because of their ability to damage the roots of tomatoes. Metal rods for installation in the garden are subject to certain rules:

  1. Cutting of bars and stripping of "hangnails" at the edges, especially if a device in the form of a cone is made of blanks.
  2. Preparation of the basis for the installation of rods. If the soil is too loose, it needs to be compacted with hands or mixed with heavy loam.
  3. The choice of the depth of immersion of the dressing structure in the ground. As though it would not be desirable to tie up tomatoes in a hothouse as soon as possible, it is required to bury under the ground at least 30-40 sm of a rod.