Clerodendrum - home care

Clerodendrum is a perennial ornamental plant. Its name in Greek means "Tree of Fate". It is distinguished by the extraordinary beauty of brightly colored flowers. That he pleased you with his flowering, you must carefully look after him. Clerodendrum is able to grow to a length of up to three meters, so it is important to choose in advance a place for cultivation.

Clerodendrum flower: home care

Clerodendrum loves good lighting, but avoid direct sunlight to avoid sunburn. It is best placed on the east or west side.

The optimum temperature in the warm season will be 18-25 degrees, in winter it is necessary to maintain the temperature at 13-15 degrees, giving the plant the opportunity to relax.

Clerodendrum is demanding for humidity: it is necessary to keep the earthen cloud moist at all times, while avoiding supersaturation with liquid so that the roots do not rot. To increase the humidity, the pot and the flower are placed in a pallet, which is pre-poured with expanded clay or small pebbles. If the room is very hot, then the plant is additionally sprayed with standing water. In winter, the clerodendrum is watered if necessary, when the ground has dried out a little.

In spring and summer, soil can be fertilized once a week with organic and mineral products, alternating them.

The soil for clerodendrum should consist of equal parts of a clay mixture, peat, sand and leaf land.

Plant transplantation is carried out in early spring once in two years.

Clerodendrum: pruning

If you notice that the flowers have wilted, then they need to be cut with a pruner. The stem is cut at an angle almost above the leaf. Leave usually part of the stem at a height of not less than seven centimeters above the soil surface.

Clerodendrum: transplant and reproduction

Before transplanting and multiplying the domestic flowers of the clerodendrum, they are circumcised. After pruning the clerodendrum is transplanted into a new land, add the fertilizer and put in a warm place. The substratum for transplantation should consist of peat and greenhouse land with the addition of sand. At the bottom, drainage is prepared.

A pot for a plant should be selected slightly more than the previous one, so that its roots can be more freely grown.

Propagate the house flower with cuttings. In spring cut the apical stem length of 10-15 cm, drop it into a solution of epine (for four liters of water 1 ml) for 12 hours or 80 grams per day (10 liters of water 10 grams). Then the stalk is planted in a pot containing a mixture of peat, perlite and sand. To increase the humidity on top of the pot on a plastic bag. The ambient temperature should be maintained at 21 degrees. It is important to constantly keep the substrate moist. The plastic bag is removed immediately, as soon as the first shoots on the cuttings appeared. Once in 2 weeks, you can give the clerodendrum a liquid top dressing. After about 4 months, the young plant needs to be transplanted into the pot with soil. The growing conditions are the same as in the adult plant.

Clerodendrum: diseases and pests

Home flower is susceptible to attack by such pests as a spider mite and scab . If the clerodendrum has been visited by a spider mite, the leaves turn yellow, and in time may even fall off. The whole flower is covered with sticky dew and black mushroom. The leaves of the flower, which are affected by insects, must be cut off, and the plant itself should be treated with an insecticide (carbofos, actellik, fufan). Also, the leaves can turn yellow if the soil has become excessively dry.

Why does not clerodendrum blossom and how to make it bloom?

If the house flower did not have a period of rest in the winter, then in the spring it may not bloom. If the winter temperature of the environment is above 15 degrees, the clerodendrum simply can not retire, because flowering does not occur.

In order for the plant to blossom it is necessary to provide him with peace during the period from November to January and maintain at this time the temperature in the room at a level no higher than 15 degrees.

Despite the difficult care for clerodendrum, with a competent approach, he is able to please you with his beautiful flowers for a long time.