Planting grapes in spring seedlings - important recommendations and rules for beginners

The correct planting of grapes in spring seedlings is the key to successful development and fast entry into fruiting of young vines. The implementation of this event requires thorough preparation. You need to be able to pick a good variety, find a place for a plant on your site, prepare a pit and perform a number of other responsible operations.

How to plant grapes in the spring?

Many summer residents try to expand the assortment of delicious berries by purchasing seedlings of new varieties of the solar vine for the house. Gardeners do not stop disputing on what period of the year it is better to plant the acquired planting material. Much depends on the kind of seedling and local climate, the ability to cover young bushes in winters with little snow. Let's list the advantages that the planting of grapes has in spring:

  1. The main plus of the spring planting - the bush will have time to grow stronger until the fall, the vine will be tempered and will better bear the winter cold.
  2. Since the autumn, it is possible to prepare a pit qualitatively, filling it with humus and fertilizers, greatly improving the quality of the soil.
  3. Autumn planting in most cases delayed the period when the vine entered fruiting.
  4. Planting grapes in spring seedlings is beneficial because the gardener in this period has more time to complete the entire work package.

Where is it better to plant grapes on the site?

The productivity of the vine is influenced by the soil for the grapes when planting the seedlings and the location of the bush. It is not always possible to allocate a separate open area for him, often summer residents are forced to plant this culture near the house or outbuildings, not far from fruit trees. There are general criteria for choosing the right place for a vineyard:

  1. We try to have grapes near the southern walls of the capital buildings.
  2. Landing of the vine is made no closer than 2 meters from high plantations.
  3. The land of the landing pit should not be closer than 1 m from the foundation of the building.
  4. Plant the bushes not closer than 50-80 cm from the edge of the asphalt road or alley.
  5. Planting of house grapes in spring with seedlings on the slopes is made in the transverse direction.

When can you plant grapes in the spring?

Acceptable planting dates of the grape in spring directly depend on the type of available seedlings. In most regions, they occur with the arrival of stable heat. Work with lignified saplings, grown last season, starts from April to mid-May. Green vegetative grapes, acquired in closed containers, can be planted from May until the last decade of June.

Preparing seedlings of grapes for planting in spring

The survival and development of the bush is influenced by the preparation of the grapes seedling for planting. This operation consists of several stages associated with pruning and rooting:

  1. Remove the damaged roots.
  2. In the northern regions it is desirable to trim the saplings with rooted roots.
  3. The root tips are cut slightly to stimulate branching.
  4. It is desirable to disinfect the root system in a hexachlorane solution. In a bucket of water, 200 g of this preparation are dissolved and 400 g of clay is added, after which the planting material is immersed in a liquid mixture for 5 minutes.
  5. At one-year-old seedlings we leave 2 buds on one shoot or on 1-st kidney on 2 developed shoots.
  6. Good results are obtained by dipping seedlings in the spring before planting in a nutritious creamy mixture of manure with soil (in equal parts) and heteroauxin.

How to plant the seedlings in spring?

Studying the rules of planting grapes in the spring, it is necessary to get acquainted with how it is required to prepare a pit for the seedling. Using special watering and drainage devices in the work, carrying out fertilizing the soil according to the technology, it is possible to significantly improve the development of the bush even on poor soil. In a well-executed "smart" pit, moisture lasts longer, and the plant develops faster.

At what depth is the vine planted in the spring?

Arrangement of a landing pit is the most important stage of planting grapes in the spring. Responsible winegrower in advance takes care of watering the bushes and filling the soil with useful substances. Drip irrigation facilitates the supply of plantings with water in a hot period. In the absence of these systems, it is better to immediately fix a piece of plastic pipe in the pit, which will perfectly perform the role of an inexpensive irrigation structure.

Preparation of a pit for planting grapes in spring:

  1. The minimum dimensions of the pit are 70x70x70 cm.
  2. During operation, we try to add the earth from the lower and upper layers separately.
  3. The bottom of the pit is covered with expanded clay or gravel (about 10 cm).
  4. Watering pipe (plastic or asbestos is suitable) is installed on the south side.
  5. The optimum diameter of the watering pipe is 10-15 cm.
  6. The length of the pipe segment is selected so that it rises above the ground level to 10 cm.
  7. Drainage quickly silted, so it is recommended to put a layer of covering material on the gravel.
  8. On top of it, when planting in the spring, you should pour up to 20 cm of nutrient soil.
  9. The roots of the seedlings are set in the pit on an earthen mound, which we have near the irrigation pipe.
  10. Lower buds when planting slightly deeper, and the seedling itself is slightly inclined to the center of the pit, in order to improve the heating.

Distance between grapes at planting

Even the correct planting of grapes in spring with seedlings will not give a positive result if the distance between neighboring bushes is not maintained correctly. With poor lighting and thick planting, your bush will inevitably suffer from diseases, you will have problems with development and normal ripening of the bunches. There are standard rules on how best to lay a young vineyard on a new site.

Distance between grapes seedlings at planting:

  1. When laying several bushes, we maintain in the row the distance between adjacent wells of 2.5-3 m.
  2. Rowing in the vineyards is 2-2.5 m.
  3. The distance between the outermost pillars and bushes is 1.5 m.
  4. The recommended direction of the rows is from the south to the north.
  5. A dense landing after 1 m is allowed on high trellises up to 3 m, but here it is necessary to form adjacent bushes in a special way at different heights.
  6. On depleted lands, when planting extremely weak varieties of grapes, it is possible to maintain a distance between bushes of 1.5 m.

Fertilizers when planting grapes in spring

The quality feeding of grapes during planting enhances growth processes. The introduction of organic and fertilizer at the initial stage allows the next couple of years not to use additional nutrients in the area with young seedlings until the plant's entry into fruiting. Here is an available recipe for refilling in the spring planting pit for grapes:

  1. The first layer of 20-25 cm is a fertile soil mixed with the overripe humus.
  2. The next layer of 10 cm is a soil mixed with fertilizers (about 300 g of superphosphate and potassium fertilizers plus 3 liters of wood ash).
  3. The third layer is 5 cm thick - we fill a simple soil without fertilizers.

When does the fruit begin to bear fruit after planting?

In most cases, the first fruiting of the grapes after planting takes 3-4 years. Some varieties with very high quality and careful care can make you happy with signal bunches for the second season. Talk about full fruit bearing with a standard load can be no earlier than the fifth year. Here is a list of factors that affect the speed of tying the inflorescences:

  1. Quality of planting material.
  2. Compliance with technology when planting.
  3. The place of planting of grapes in the spring.
  4. Filling the planting pit with useful substances.
  5. The climate in the region.
  6. High-quality winter shelter for grapes.
  7. Fighting infections and pests.
  8. Correct pruning and shaping.
  9. Top dressing and watering.

What can not be planted next to the grapes?

The question of which plants can not be planted next to grapes, disturbs beginning gardeners, who have a lot of different cultures on a small plot. Weeds, some kinds of vegetables and flowers strongly oppress young grapes, take away useful substances from the root system, promote the spread of infections. Here is the list of bad neighbors for grapes:

Good neighbors for grapes: