Top dressing of tomatoes after picking

In most cold regions tomato cultivation is impossible without preliminary preparation of seedlings. Therefore, gardeners and gardeners who want a rich harvest begin to sow seeds in early spring. One of the fundamental moments in the care of seedlings is the correct and timely application of fertilizers. The first fertilizing of seedlings of tomatoes is carried out after picking, the second after another couple of weeks. Supplying seedlings with nutrients and useful minerals, regular watering and adherence to other rules of farming will allow plants to grow strong and bring forth many fruits.

How to recognize the lack of useful substances?

Fertilizers for tomatoes play a very important role. However, it is necessary to know when to apply fertilizing to seedlings. First of all, this applies to fertilizers that have nitrogen in the composition. A large number of it will promote active growth of foliage and can negate the amount of future harvest. Recognize the lack of nitrogen can be due to yellowing and weakness of the leaves.

If the seedling begins to acquire a purple hue, then this may indicate a lack of phosphorus in the soil. However, if the plant does not lag behind in development, then additional measures can not be taken.

Seedlings can also lack iron. It becomes clear through pale leaves with green veins.

How and what to feed tomato seedlings?

It is not enough to understand what fertilizers are needed for tomatoes, it is important not to miss the moment when these substances are added to the seedlings. Approximately two weeks after the appearance of the first shoots germinated seeds can be dived. And in 14 days comes the time of the first fertilizing. The second is carried out after a few more weeks. Subsequent fertilizers are added as needed.

In addition to the purchase of drugs, fertilizer for tomatoes is easy to create with their own hands. Here are some effective options that will not take away a lot of money and time for their preparation:

  1. Infusion on the ashes. Dilute one tablespoon of ashes in two liters of warm water. Leave the solution infused for 24 hours, then strain.
  2. Infusion on the eggshell. Egg shell fill with water in a ratio of 2: 1. Leave the fertilizer infused for several days. Dissolve one part of the resulting concentrate for top dressing with three parts of water.
  3. An infusion on a banana skin is another great option of organic fertilizer for tomatoes. To prepare it, you must prepare and dry the peel of bananas in advance. The proportions for the preparation of the infusion and its subsequent dilution with water are the same as for the infusion on the eggshell.