How to succeed in life?

Those people who are looking for an easy way to succeed, rarely get it. Despite the fact that most middle-class people believe that success in life is a big part of luck, successful birth in a rich family and the necessary acquaintances, people who succeeded, they always call very different things. They believe that success came to them through diligence, perseverance, overwork and the ability to discipline themselves.

What kind of people succeed?

Do you still think that success is achieved only by those who have had a good "start in life"? By no means. Many people who from childhood lived in not too wealthy families, so firmly set a goal to succeed and improve their lives, that they succeeded.

Do you think that a simple boy from Belgorod, who had been raised by one mother since 9 years, could have reached the top of his career in show business because his father left the family? Yes, I could have done it. Ivan Alekseev, better known as Noize MC, was fond of music since childhood and collected his own collectives, studied the art of freestyle - writing rap on the go. He always knew that he wanted to do music, and, having entered the RSUH, gathered his group, with whom he began to perform at the Arbat and take part in various festivals. Once, after a victory on one of them, the team noticed - and now Noize MC is known as one of the best benchmarks in Russia that does not celebrate alcohol and drugs, but raises acute social issues and gives youth food for the mind. But when he started, he was told - "music is not work, not a system of illusions." However, if a person has a goal and he is ready not to give up after the first setbacks - he certainly becomes successful.

Another example of success. What are the chances of getting rich in a person who, after retiring at age 60, owns only a frail house, an old car and a recipe for chicken cooking? Garland David Sanders did not lose heart: he began to go to restaurants and offer to buy his recipe. He was refused in the first, second, third, and even tenth. But he did not drop his hands, and a hundred wheels in all the states. However, the case did not go forward: he was refused both with a hundred, and with two hundred, and in the five hundred, and in the thousandth restaurant. Hearing the refusal 1008 times, would you drop your hands? And he does not. And not for nothing - in 1009 restaurant his recipe was bought. He continued to work, and in the first year after that, several more restaurants joined, and then their number began to grow exponentially - now they are all over the world. In consequence, the restaurants became associated with the network Kentucky Fried Chicken, or KFC, which is also known as Rostik's.

The conclusion is simple - if you want to succeed, choose the goal and go to it. You have to work hard and be an amazingly stubborn person. And no matter what success is at stake - this recipe is universal in any case.

How to succeed: tips

If you still do not know how to succeed in business, you should sit down and reflect on what particular success you want. It all starts with thoughts, a detailed reflection of the action plan.

  1. So, decide on your goal and immediately outline the possible ways to achieve it .
  2. Determine what skills you lack, and fill in the blanks.
  3. Think about what you can do now, to quickly get it?
  4. Do not give up, whatever happens.
  5. If this case is really "yours", you can receive the signs of fate - pay attention to them.

If you need a universal advice on what you need to succeed, first of all, turn to yourself. The more you like the business with which you plan to succeed, and the more insistently you go to your goal, the sooner your plans will come true.