How to clean your cheeks?

The first impression of a man we always do according to his appearance. So it was customary that our first glance falls on the person and neck of a person. And that's interesting, the slender the neck and the less cheeks the interlocutor, the slimmer and thinner it seems to us as a whole. But, as everyone knows, with age, the facial skin loses its elasticity, and even not inclined to fullness, the cheeks begin to sag. What can we say about well-fed people! Therefore, many people, and especially women, are interested in how quickly to remove large full cheeks. We offer to dedicate this to our today's conversation.

Why do thick cheeks appear and how to remove them?

Most often, the cause of the appearance of large cheeks is heredity. Fighting it is difficult enough, and sometimes even impossible. If you get your cheeks "in the inheritance", then it is likely that you will have to constantly engage in special exercises and stick to a diet so that they do not appear again and again. In addition to an innate tendency to grow cheeks, nutrition is quite influenced. But it usually does not immediately lead to an increase in the size of the cheeks, and after a while, when additional fatty layers have already appeared on other parts of the body.

So how do you remove the fat from your cheeks? First, you can remove it with surgical intervention by liposuction. But remember that the consequences of any operations on the face can be unpredictable and not justify your expectations. At the same time, you should know how difficult it is to remove fat cheeks with exercise. This complexity is caused by the difficult motor activity of the muscles on the cheeks. And also by the fact that fat on the cheeks is burned by the body is not in the first place. Therefore, nutrition and exercise can only slightly adjust the size of the cheeks.

Also do not forget about masks and massages. They help to maintain the elasticity of the skin. Massage is recommended to be performed immediately after gymnastics, and apply the mask before bedtime.

Try to minimize the use of salt, it helps to retain fluid in the body, and also make a special emphasis on foods rich in calcium.

How to remove chubby cheeks with exercise?

We bring to your attention a set of simple exercises for the cheeks and chin that will help you in solving the problem of large cheeks.

  1. Sitting on a chair, tilt your head back and move your chin, trying to grab the upper lip of the bottom.
  2. Keep your head straight, closing your teeth, and try to stick your lower lip as low as possible.
  3. Keep your head straight, put the corners of your lips down and strain the muscles of your neck and cheeks.
  4. Slightly tilt your head forward, and alternately stretch your chin to the right and left shoulder.
  5. Pinch a pencil, pen or straw in your teeth, and write out different words in the air (your name, date, or simply the alphabet).
  6. Stand straight, straighten your back, cross your arms over your chest and take yourself on your shoulders. Then gently pull the neck up. When you feel that you can no longer stretch your neck, take a deep breath. Count to 10 and slowly exhale back to the starting position.
  7. Stand straight, spread your shoulders, lower your head forward, pressing your chin to your body. Then slowly, without sharp movements, stretch your chin to the right shoulder and return to the starting position. Then also slowly tilt your head back and again return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise for the left side.
  8. Become straight, and, having put your lips together with a tube, sing the vowels. In any order and changing their places.

Do not despair if you do not immediately notice the result of your work. And do not stop doing exercises. On average, the effect of gymnastics will be noticeable after a month of daily training.