Hypoglycemic coma - symptoms

Hypoglycemic coma is an acute pathological condition caused by a decrease in blood sugar concentration (hypoglycemia). Comatose state develops rapidly, while nerve cells suffer, and all vital functions of the body are violated.

Clinical symptoms of hypoglycemic coma

The clinical signs of hypoglycemic coma are diverse. The early symptoms of hypoglycemic coma are associated with "starvation" of brain cells. The patient is noted:

As the more extensive areas of the brain are involved in the pathological process, signs of damage to the central nervous system progress. The process of development of the state takes, as a rule, several minutes. In later stages, the main symptoms of hypoglycemic coma are:

If hypoglycemic coma develops during the work, it can cause an accident, for example, an accident if the patient was driving a car.

It is important to quickly understand what is happening to a person, and to orient with the provision of first aid. If the help has been rendered in due time and is carried out correctly, the consciousness returns to the patient in 10-30 minutes. An untimely recognized hypoglycemic coma can cause death.