Diseases of the heart - symptoms

A weak heart system is a big problem for many modern people. And even the children of junior and middle school age suffer from disorders in her work. Very often the first symptoms of heart disease begin to appear long before the critical moment. If you recognize them in time, you can prevent a huge number of problems. But alas, most potential patients of cardiology ignore the main signs of ailments.

What causes symptoms of heart disease?

There are a lot of cardiac diseases. In the first place you can put unhealthy food and mostly sedentary lifestyle. Because of this, a large amount of cholesterol and other harmful substances accumulate in the body, which can not be removed without physical exertion - even minimal ones.

An important role is played by stressful situations, which in the life of everyone today are involved too often. Sometimes heart diseases become the consequences of other diseases, such as, for example, diabetes mellitus, rheumatism or hepatitis.

What are the main symptoms of heart disease?

Surely you have heard that sometimes even a heart attack can go unnoticed by the person who suffered it. More precisely, some people feel some symptoms, but do not want to pay attention to them. Manifestations of the problem can disappear quite quickly, but the consequences of it sometimes are sad.

All troubles can be avoided, if you know for certain, what are the first symptoms of heart disease:

  1. Pressure is already a problem that can dislodge anyone. And it is also a manifestation of heart disease. If the pressure rises above the norm too often and for a long time it can not be brought down, it will not hurt to turn to cardiology.
  2. Many have come to believe that swelling on the lower limbs, often appearing towards evening, is a sign of fatigue, no more. In fact, they are sometimes a symptom of atherosclerotic coronary heart disease. There is swelling due to the fact that the heart can not pump enough blood, and the latter accumulates in the legs.
  3. Very painful pain in the chest and in the chest space. Its nature is different - baking, stitching or squeezing. Soreness arises suddenly and just as suddenly disappears. Strangest of all, when such attacks become more frequent.
  4. The main symptom of heart disease, like tachycardia, is a rapid heartbeat. Dangerous is the pulse rate, exceeding one hundred beats per minute.
  5. It is necessary to be cautious and at sudden occurrence of a dyspnea or short wind even at frivolous physical activities.
  6. Weakness and a sharp decline in performance are frequent companions of cardiac ailments. Almost always they are accompanied by absent-mindedness, anxiety, sleep disturbances.
  7. Pallor is a sign of anemia, spasms, inflammatory diseases. If the changes have touched and the color of the skin on the lips, cheeks or earlobes, most likely, you will have to treat the disease in severe form.
  8. Symptoms of heart disease angina often confused with heartburn and even try to eliminate them with soda. Discomfort in the chest at the same irradiates into the shoulders, hands and sometimes in the wrist area.
  9. For many patients, this fact will be surprising, but cough is also accepted as a list of signs of cardiovascular disease. Dry and not treatable, he, as a rule, amplifies in prone position.
  10. Of course, we must not forget about dizziness. It happens that regular seizures, aggravated by severe headaches, become precursors of a stroke .