"Obegrass" for losing weight

"Obrigass" - this is the famous Spanish dietary supplements , which for more than 50 years "fights" with the problems of obesity. Producers of the drug "Obergrass" guarantee that the tool will act locally, specifically in problem areas. The drug does not contain psychotropic substances, it has a natural composition, it is not a laxative. Perhaps, therefore, the effect of the Spanish drug "Obrigass" is by no means lightning fast, appetite and weight are decreasing, but with time.

Form of issue

At the moment, there is a powder for weight loss "Obrigass" and similar tablets. The company also produces anti-cellulite tablets "Oegrace Antisell". Both powder and tablets must be taken twice a day 10 minutes before meals. Duration of admission from two weeks to a month, then a break is necessary.

Operating principle

As mentioned above, the drug for weight loss "Obrigass" - a dietary supplement, consider its composition:

  1. Frutco-oligosaccharides (compound fructose) act as a natural laxative. They accelerate the excretion of feces, increase them in volume. At the same time, they restore the intestinal microflora and do not wash it out like laxatives.
  2. Chitosan is a substance from which shells of crayfish are composed. It affects the process of digestion, blocking the absorption of some of the calories.
  3. Antioxidants - without them can not do any dietary supplements. Here there is grape seed extract, and vitamin C. These substances improve the body's ability to absorb useful substances.


To contra-indications to reception "Obrigass" include pregnancy, a lactemia and a diabetes (because of fructose in structure). But side effects can occur only in connection with the individual intolerance of individual components of the drug. For example, "Oigrassse Antisell" contains extracts of garcinia of Cambodian and green tea , and in order to avoid possible side effects of "Obrigass", you just have to pass tests for allergens.


The drug really helps to lose weight, creating a favorable soil, which will give results only in combination with diet and exercise. The remedy itself is not capable of providing you with a daily weight loss. The same goes for the drug "Antisell". A device that alone would have been able to solve the cellulite problem has not yet been invented, because once the problem is complex and the approach must be appropriate.