Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss "Oksisayz"

Many young mothers choose to breathe gymnastics for weight loss. However, it is popular not only among them, but among a large number of those who want to lose weight. Respiratory gymnastics for weight loss "Oksisayz" is named by merging two words - "oxygen" + "exercise" (oxygen + exercises). The author of the system is a simple American, teacher Gil Johnson, who for many years could not overcome the extra pounds, and only with the help of this system she managed to do it.

Slimming with breathing exercises: technique

Before learning the exercises, read the main element - the breathing technique "oxysize" . This is the basis of all gymnastics.


Standing evenly, slightly bending your knees, relax your abdominal muscles as much as possible. The shoulders are not raised, arms hang freely. Smile broadly and maximally expand the nostrils. Execute the maximum breath through your nose. Stomach your belly like a balloon.

Three breaths

Tighten the abdomen, muscles of the buttocks and pelvis, lift the lower abdomen. Without changing the position, inhale three times so that the air is as full as possible in the lungs.


Pull your lips into the tube, leaving a narrow gap between them. Strongly pull in the stomach and exhale the air through this slot. Do not lower your chin, keep muscle tension.

Three exhalations

Do three more expirations in a row, removing all the air from your lungs. Prepare for a deep breath.

This cycle should be repeated 10 or more times. Before you start, master this technique, and only after that it will be obtained from you without spying on the text, you can proceed to doing the exercises.

Exercises of breathing gymnastics for weight loss "Oksisayz"

Let's take a look at some of the simplest exercises of Oxisayz, which you can master right after you figure out the wisdom of breathing.

Side stretching (exercise for the press, waist)

Take the original breathing posture, raise the right arm and tilt the body to the left, tilting the body to the level of the pelvic bones. In this position, perform a breathing exercise. 3 repetitions in each direction.

Squats near the wall (for legs and buttocks)

Stand close to the wall, keep your back straight. Slowly sink down, bending your legs and sliding back against the wall. Lower the hips to the line, when they are parallel to the floor and squeeze the palms at the chest level. In this position, perform a breathing exercise. Repeat three times.

A full range of breathing exercises for weight loss will allow you to effectively lose weight and enrich your body with oxygen. This will have a great effect on your health!