Cultivation of carrots

Bright and sweet carrots are used in cooking your favorite dishes everywhere. She is loved almost in every family, so many summer residents and truck farmers try to grow at least a row of this root with their own hands, in order to get an environmentally friendly product. But not always the harvest pleases with the beauty of root crops and taste. Therefore, we will discover the secrets of growing carrots.

Planting carrots

In general, this crop is quite demanding on the site and the soil itself. It grows in well-illuminated areas, which are almost entire light-day under the sun's rays. Do not put carrots after celery , dill or parsley. As for the land, the root crops prefer friable, but fertile soils.

In August or September, the site is dug up. True, fertilizers are introduced in the beginning. If the soil is acidic, it is limed or fertilized. Each meter is brought up to 3 kg of humus, 15 g of nitrogen, 10 g of potassium fertilizers, 25 g of superphosphate.

The planting procedure is performed in the spring, when the soil warms up to + 8 + 10 degrees. Seeds before planting can be soaked for a day in warm water, changing it every 4 hours. For good root growth it is important to make a correct landing - according to the scheme. The distance between the rows should be up to 20 cm. Make shallow (up to 2-3 cm) furrows, into which then the seeds are placed every 4-5 cm. Then the planting material is covered with soil and watered.

Carrots - cultivation and care

One of the characteristics of growing carrots is the need to thin the beds, so that the size of the roots will subsequently increase. For the first time this procedure is performed as soon as the first real leaves appear in the rows. Between the bush leave a distance of 3 cm.

In addition, carrots require timely watering, which is carried out a small amount, but often. The lack of systematic watering will affect the taste of the root crop and its appearance. Focus on the fact that in dry weather, the beds are watered twice a week. It is also important to clean the soil in the aisle from weeds and their rhizomes, to weed and loosen the ground.

Fertilizers for carrots are added twice. The first time - 4 weeks after the emergence of seedlings, and the second - after 2 months. As a top dressing apply diluted in a bucket of water 15 g of superphosphate, 20 g of potassium nitrate and 15 g of urea.

There are several ways to grow carrots. In addition to the traditional method on a flat surface, root cultivation under straw is often used. For the purpose of selling carrots can be grown on ridges and beds up to 25 cm high, where the harvest is removed by a tractor.

If you are interested in growing carrots on seeds, then in autumn, select the most beautiful root crops of the variety you are interested in. They need to be stored in the sand in the cellar. In early spring, the selected carrots are planted in the soil in groups of 4 vertically, with a sharp end down. H deepen root crops strongly, their tops need to fall asleep peat or humus. By July, the shoots will give inflorescences, from which the seeds are collected.

Diseases of carrots during cultivation

Like any argoticulture, carrots slope to defeat by various viruses and infections. The fungal disease most dangerous for a plant and its roots is phomosis, or dry rot. Elongated patches of gray-brown color appear on veins of leaves and root crops.

Prevention of phomosis is the introduction of potassium chloride into the soil for digestion (40 g of material per square meter). Similarly, they are also fighting with black rot, which is manifested by black wet spots on leaves and root crops, and white rot (white coating).