Growing onions on a feather in a greenhouse in winter

Feathers of onions, fragrant and with special taste, are popular in the market and in shops all the year round. You can receive such a source of vitamin C daily in the land of your own greenhouse. Well, we'll show you how to grow a bow on a feather in a greenhouse in winter.

Planting green onions in a greenhouse for the winter

Onion for planting to winter is not suitable. We recommend using such perennial varieties as:

To grow onions on a feather in a greenhouse in winter, the soil must be enriched with easily digestible fertilizers. For each square meter use 10-15 g of potassium chloride, a bucket of humus and 25-30 g of superphosphate.

If we talk about when to plant onions for the winter in a greenhouse, then the optimal time for this is mid-October. Bulbs for planting pick up small, maximum up to 3 cm in diameter. Seed is freed from the husk. Some gardeners recommend cutting the neck of the bulbs with a pruner. It is believed that this will help germs to erupt faster. Depth of closing - two to four centimeters at a distance of ten to fifteen centimeters. After planting the bulbs, the ground, of course, is rammed.

Growing onions in a greenhouse

In order to successfully grow a bow on a feather in a greenhouse in winter, inside should reign temperature regime of + 18 + 20 degrees during the day. At night, the temperature should be kept within + 14 + 15 degrees at night. After planting the beds can be covered with a film until the first shoots appear. Agrotechnics onions include timely watering, preferably warm and standing water. It is important not to allow the appearance of cracks on the surface of the earth. From time to time the beds are loosened and freed from weeds.

Try to protect the landing from drafts, in which the seedlings grow weakly and even get sick.

When following the recommendations of cultivation, the harvest, that is, beautiful and tasty feathers of onions, can be expected twenty-five to thirty days after planting.