Hib vaccine

Frequent acute respiratory disease, otitis media and even meningitis are all the unpleasant consequences of having a hemophilic rod in the child's body. According to statistics, 40% of preschool children are carriers of infection, which can be transmitted during sneezing, through saliva and household items. To protect the child from such a scourge, the schedule of routine vaccination includes the HIB vaccine .

What is the vaccination of Act-HIB?

The essence and purpose of HIB vaccination becomes clear after deciphering the abbreviation: Haemophilus influenzae, which, in Latin, means nothing but a haemophilic rod, and "B" in turn is its type. It is HIB that is the most dangerous and pathogenic of all 6 existing strains and can cause serious diseases in children. Because only this microbe has a special capsule, which in every possible way tries to hide the presence of an "enemy agent" from the immature immune system of a small child. The infection is resistant to antibiotics, and the diseases caused by it can affect many organs and systems of the child's organism. The only way to protect the baby from the insidious haemophilic bacillus type b is the vaccine Act-HIB, which has been successfully used in all developed countries for many years. The drug was developed by the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi Pasteur in 1989. Its effectiveness is proved by research and practice of application. Thus, during the period of use, the incidence among children of the Sadovo age decreased 95-98%, and the number of carriers was up to 3%. Also in favor of the vaccine Act-HIB speak positive feedback from pediatricians and caregivers who insistently recommend that the child be vaccinated before visiting the kindergarten, especially nurseries.

Answering the question about what is being vaccinated with Act-HIB, one can disclose a whole list of diseases: ARD, bronchitis, pneumonia, meningitis, epiglottitis, otitis - only a small list of possible consequences of infection, which vaccination will allow to avoid.

Immunization schedule

To be in time to develop immunity to the insidious hemophilic rod, vaccination should be carried out according to the scheme provided. As a rule, children are vaccinated at 3 months of age, then the vaccine is re-introduced at 4.5 and 6 months. After receiving three injections, revaccination is carried out after a year, that is, when the child reaches 18 months. This scheme allows you to save the crumb from the so-called Hib-meningitis, which is particularly prone to semi-annual crumbs.

If the parents pursue the goal of preparing a child to attend a kindergarten and begin vaccination after a year, then one injection will be sufficient to develop immunity to the crumb.

But in any case, the scheme of immunization depends on the state of the child's health, living conditions and is necessarily coordinated with the district pediatrician.