Pertussin for children

Among all the variety of medicines, it is sometimes difficult for parents to choose a good and effective cough drug for their child. Of course, the choice and purpose of the medicine is the business of the attending physician, but who, if not the parents, will control its reception and determine whether this tool helps or not? Therefore, the more we know about medications, the better we understand the types and symptoms of cough, the easier it is to choose a particular drug that will really help our baby cope with the disease.

One of the cough syrups, which earned the trust and recognition of many parents since Soviet times, is a pertussin for children. This is a herbal preparation, which includes the extract of thyme. Syrup pertussin is ideal for children, because it has a soft but at the same time strong enough expectorant effect and promotes the excretion of mucus from the lower respiratory tract, and also has an antimicrobial effect. This remedy differs from others in that it has a calming effect on the nervous system of the baby, which is exposed to stress in any disease, thanks to potassium bromide, which is also one of the constituents of perthussin.

It should also be noted that this medication compares favorably with other syrups at a low price, in terms of effectiveness is not inferior to most of them.

Indications for use of pertussin

Parents of children are wondering whether it is possible to give pertussin to children for up to a year. The doctors can not give an unambiguous answer to this question: one doctor can assign this syrup to your 6-month-old baby, and another will give up this idea, replacing it with another drug. Nevertheless, there are no special contraindications to the use of pertussin for children up to a year, therefore it can be used, but only strictly observing the dosage.

Doctors prescribe a syrup of pertussin as an expectorant. At the same time, they can replace it with drugs such as Dr. IOM, gedelix, licorice root, alteika, etc., and it is the parents' responsibility to track how effective this or that syrup will be in order to help the doctor adjust the treatment if necessary .

Pertussin is good for the treatment of tracheitis and bronchitis, pneumonia, as well as for any respiratory disease accompanied by poor sputum. Assign it to children and to treat whooping cough.

Dosage of pertussin for children

The doctor should determine the exact dosage of the drug depending on the age of the child: usually children under 5 years are prescribed a syrup ranging from 0.5 tea to 1 dessert spoon.

If you forgot to ask the pediatrician how to take pertussin to young children, and after buying it, found that the drug contains ethyl alcohol, then you know: children under 5 are recommended to dilute the syrup with cool boiled water. At the same time, 0.5 tablespoons of syrup is taken 2 tablespoons of water.

Side effects of pertussin

If the pertussin is used for a long time (more than 2 weeks), the child may experience such side effects as allergic reactions (skin rashes, conjunctivitis, rhinitis), as well as general weakness, impaired coordination of movements, and a decrease in the frequency of cardiac contractions. In addition, enterocolitis may develop.

Never give your child expectorants on his own initiative, without the involvement of a doctor, without monitoring the duration of their use and dosage. You will not cure the child if you give him a medicine longer or longer than the prescribed: this can only be done.