Pharaoh's dog

Many people who are not limited in means, have habits peculiar only to them. They include the presence in the house of exotic purebred animals. Although such a pet as a pharaoh's dog, which belongs to the most expensive breeds of dogs , is not only richer for courage, but also true connoisseurs.

Pharaoh's dog - description of the breed and its origin

Representatives of this breed are dogs of Egyptian pharaohs. Discs are found, the age of which goes four millennia before the onset of our era. They depict a pair of "pharaohs" hunting a gazelle. These items appeared much earlier than members of the first Pharaonic dynasty. It is not surprising that the highest nobility of that time kept near such a representative dog. In addition to majestic appearance, Pharaoh's dog is also an excellent hunter.

Elegant, large dog with long legs. Color of red, different shades. The presence of white spots in the area of ​​the chest, on the muzzle, the line of the tail and the fissures of the fingers is allowed. The presence of white in other places is considered a flaw. Sharply protruding ears. The coat is short, slightly harsh, shiny.

The dry and long muzzle has a precise shape. Externally, the dog resembles images on the frescoes of ancient Egyptian pharaohs. Dogs are distinguished by grace and majesty, noble bearing.

The ideal growth for a dog of this breed is not higher than 61/63 centimeters (female / cable). In the life of Pharaoh's dog unpretentious, but at home (especially in a city apartment), she will be uncomfortable. In a closed domestic space Pharaoh's dog will feel comfortable only if it provides sufficient physical exertion (assuming frequent long walks and jogs). The gracefulness of the pharaoh dog does not interfere with its endurance, strength and unusual playfulness.

The tail of a pharaoh's dog in a relaxed state reaches the hock. In motion, it bends in the form of a sickle. Near the base, it is thick, but tapers to the tip.

Pharaoh's dog - character and characteristics of education

Pharaoh's dog has a quick, but a little wary character. An excellent hunter. Finds a common language with children of any age. Maybe because one of the main features of her character is playfulness. Has a sharp mind, but it's pretty funny. Very strongly attached to their masters, and therefore, claims for constant attention on their part.

Smart dogs by nature are easy to train, but during training, you need to treat them kindly and affectionately. You probably will not be able to train a pharaonic dog.

Pharaoh dog puppies - how to choose?

Proceeding from what is said above it becomes clear that the dream of many pet lovers is a pharaoh dog whose puppies are quite expensive. When choosing a small "Pharaoh", pay attention to the confirmation of his pedigree and external signs according to the standards applicable to this breed.

Pharaonic dog is a standard of requirements for purebred representatives: