Transplant raspberry in spring

Gardeners, amateurs who grow raspberries for more than a year, probably noticed that the yield of this berry begins to gradually decline. It's the fault of the plant itself, because it selects useful substances from the ground year after year. Periodic raspberry transplantation to a new place in the spring can help to solve this problem. This article will discuss how to correctly transplant raspberries in the spring, so that its harvest will rejoice from year to year.

General information

The best time for spring raspberry transplantation is experienced gardeners in the middle of April. Perhaps, a better time, when it will be possible to transplant raspberries, than spring, and no, except late autumn. Perform a transplant should not be more often than after 4-5 years. Until then, the yield is recommended to be maintained with water-soluble berry fertilizers. In addition to the timing of the raspberry transplant, there are still prescriptions for predecessors on the site where the bushes are planned to be planted. Best of all, this shrub will feel in the beds, where potatoes, onions or tomatoes grew. Next, we recommend that you plan the order of the raspberry transplanted. This can be done as follows: digging a straight trench, retreating a meter, digging the second, thus marking the future inter-row spacing.

Preparation and transplantation

Few know how to correctly transplant raspberries in the spring. Some gardeners ignore an important preparatory procedure - preplant pruning shrubs. To begin with, you need to understand that not every plant is suitable for transplantation. Choose only shrubs with thick stems and well-developed roots. The bush immediately before the transplant is pruned by a pruner at a height of approximately one meter above the soil level. After that, we move the prepared bushes to our marking, and we prepare for further work.

After the primary marking we prepare a place for raspberry bushes. To do this, dig a pit 50 cm deep and wide. On its bottom we pour out 8-10 kilograms of humus, add on top 40 grams of nitromophoska and 80 grams of fine ash. The bush is placed in the pit exactly, gradually sprinkle it with soil in a circle. Next, the planting hole with a bush is filled with 8 liters of warm water. Transplant raspberry bushes should be as quickly as possible, so that the roots do not have time to dry.

Post-transplant care

It is not necessary to doubt, whether it is possible to replace a raspberries in the spring. Just try it once, and you will be pleasantly surprised by the harvest. To make it easier for bushes to "assimilate" a new place, it is recommended that they give some attention to them during this period.

Very good results can be achieved when mulching shrubs after transplanting a mixture of ground straw with a bird or rabbit dung. This procedure will allow the roots to start faster and stop growth weeds in the immediate vicinity of the bush. After a month the mulch is removed, the weeds are removed, if any, the soil around the bush is loosened up.

Also it should be remembered that raspberry is a moisture-loving bush, but at the same time, from excess moisture, the roots can get wet. Therefore, watering should be given often, but too abundantly. Complex water-soluble fertilizers for berry bushes should be made systematically, once at the end of each month.

We hope that this material will help you for many years to please your home with abundant harvest of these tasty and useful berries. If everything is done according to the instructions given here, then the transplantation, for sure, will be successful!