Mulching of soil

The fight against weeds is something that every summer resident faces. Everyone knows that it's far from easy to weed your several hundred. Hence the opinion was formed that a typical summer resident only does what is on all fours in his garden, moving from one bed to the next, fighting the weeds. And pains in the lower back, as a consequence of this struggle, are the main distinguishing sign of most people who spend spring and summer at their dacha.

Of course, you can continue to leave time, energy and health in the garden, but for those who want to finally win in the fight against harmful plants and significantly increase the yield, there is a way out like mulching the soil.

Why mulch the soil?

Mulching the soil is the most simple and effective way to get rid of weeds in your garden and garden. Various ways of mulching help to suppress the growth of annual weeds, and perennials, if they grow through the layer of mulch, in single quantities, and get rid of them will not be difficult. Simple and affordable mulching technology will help you protect your crop from diseases and pests, and will lead to a significant improvement in soil composition and structure. The humus content will gradually increase, which, in turn, will provoke the activity of earthworms. As a result, the soil will loosen, which will lead to the creation of the most favorable conditions for the growth and fertility of plants in your garden.

As for the cold season, mulching of trees helps to keep the heat, which is important for the cultivation of fruit and other perennial crops. If you grow vegetables - numerous ways of mulching will help you collect a rich harvest.

Methods of mulching

Before mulching the soil, you must carefully prepare. Remove from the surface of the soil debris, large stones, spill it, removing, if possible, all the weeds - especially perennials. After that, the fertilizer should be spread over the surface, and the next step will be, directly, coating the prepared soil with mulch.

Material for mulching can be chosen any. Specialty stores sell a special coating, but there are other ways:

Mulch, as you can see, is very different. The simplest and most affordable method is mulching. Loosening the top layer of the earth with a trowel, you create a layer of mulch that covers the lower layers of the soil, protecting them from moisture loss and overheating.

On average, the thickness of the mulch can be from two to eight centimeters, depending on the material for mulching.

It is important to remember that mulching of soil should be carried out regularly for several years. First, perhaps you will not immediately notice a positive effect, but in two or three years the properties of the soil on your land will improve significantly, and the efforts will bring wonderful fruits.