How to plant potatoes correctly to get a good harvest?

Every gardener, planting potatoes, hopes to get a big harvest, because this vegetable is used most often. There are several secrets of planting, which significantly increase the size, palatability of root crops, and also their number.

How to plant potatoes correctly to get a good harvest?

In order to make you happy with the potato harvest, you need to properly select the planting material and prepare the site where you plan to grow.

It is best to take planting tubers in nurseries, there plant best quality seed material (from super-super elite to elite). If you are preparing the potatoes for planting, you should pay attention to the harvest of the previous year. Select should be tubers obtained from the best shrubs, the size of which will not be smaller than a chicken egg.

But every 4 years, the variety should be changed, as collected tubers at the end of this period accumulate a large number of diseases. It is recommended to grow potatoes of different maturation periods in one site, early ones to be consumed immediately in food, and later - for winter storage.

The potato grows well on the site, which was dug in the fall. It is also recommended to apply fertilizers to the soil: in the autumn - fermented humus and mineral preparations or when planting - wood ash and Kemir potato. Return to the site already used for potatoes probably not earlier than in 3 years.

It is very important to plant in already warm soil (not below + 10 ° С). Usually this happens already in the second half of April or beginning of May. To ward off pests in the aisles, it is worth sowing marigolds or garlic.

To obtain a good harvest, it is very important to maintain the right interval between rows of potatoes. It is necessary that each bush can fully develop both above and below. The same distance is obtained when using a motoblock.

How correctly to plant a potato with a motor-block?

First, we need to make one furrow of the required length. After that, it should be fertilized and spread the tubers at a distance of 35 - 40 cm (usually after 1 step). Then it is necessary to put the wheel of the motoblock on the edge of the furrow and make the second one. At the same time, the first one will be falling asleep.

How correctly to plant cut potatoes?

If you want to increase the number of planted shrubs, then it is possible to divide the potato for planting into two parts, only necessarily along so that on each of them there are vertex sprouts that are considered to be the best. In doing so, we must not forget that it is necessary to cut the root crop with a sterile blade, so it is worthwhile preparing a disinfectant solution ( manganese or copper sulfate) in advance.

Many gardeners, deciding to use this method, often wonder how to plant potatoes - sprouts up or down. The correct arrangement of the shoots is considered downward. At the same time, they can still be pinched, this will help get a multi-stem bush, which will increase the number of tubers under it.

When and how to plant potato quickly?

To get a good early harvest is important properly pick a variety and be sure to germinate seed potatoes. It is best to do this in a bright room, where the day should be about + 12 ° C, and at night - not below + 5 ° C. There they should spend about 30 days until thick sprouts form (about 1 cm).

The preparation of land for planting such potatoes should be done earlier than the rest. To dig is already at the end of the summer, and in autumn or early spring to make ridges. So the soil will absorb moisture more quickly and warm up more quickly. Landing can be carried out when the soil warms up to + 5-9 ° C. In order for sprouts to appear faster, this area should be covered with a film. If everything is correctly done, then the harvest can be removed already in the middle of summer.