Herbicide from weeds

Herbicides are chemical preparations, the purpose of which is to destroy weeds. They are used mainly for chemical weeding of agricultural crops. In the herbicide from weeds, there can be either one or several active substances.

Kinds of herbicides against weeds

Today there is a wide selection of herbicides, they can be classified according to the following characteristics:

  1. By the nature of the effect on weeds:
  • Depending on the spectrum of action:
  • By the way of penetration into the plant:
  • By processing time:
  • By types of suppressed weed groups:
  • The best herbicides from weeds

    Starting the fight with weeds herbicide, you need to understand how important it is to destroy all without exception weeds, or it may be necessary to take out dandelions without touching lawn grass. The best representatives in their categories are the following drugs: