Why do the needles turn yellow?

In accordance with today's trends, many gardeners plant an ephedra , a small plot of several coniferous plants along the perimeter of the dacha or along the path leading to the house, and near the heated dacha or near the country house a single coniferous tree is often planted to meet the New Year near the living pine, fir or spruce. But it often happens that a well-planted and accepted tree begins to turn yellow. Many summer residents are interested in the question of why the needles turn yellow at the pine tree.

What should I consider when planting a pine tree?

Since childhood, we know that the pine is an evergreen tree. Therefore, noticing that the tree turns yellow, we begin to worry, why does pine needles turn yellow? To begin with, we should make a correct seedling planting.

Why does the pine fall yellow?

It would seem that all the details of planting were observed, but in the autumn the pine turns yellow. What to do? The fact is that the life of the needles is 3 to 5 years, the needles are gradually changing: the old needles fall off, while the branches nearest the trunk of the tree are first exposed. The change in the color of the lower part of the crown near the trunk is common, if the young young branches and the ends of the branches remain green. Yellowing of the pine to half is the norm. After all, in natural conditions in the pine forest, the earth is literally strewn with old needles. Experts recommend carrying out periodic cutting of the dried branches, cutting them as close as possible to the trunk.

Why is the pine turning yellow in the summer?

If the coniferous tree turns yellow in the summer, or if more than half of the pine has turned yellow in the autumn, then it is a signal: the tree is hurt, it dies. First of all, the change in the color of the needles, and subsequently its falloff, is due to a lack of watering. Especially affected by the lack of life-giving water are young plants, they are recommended to water infrequently, but abundantly, at the rate of a 10-liter bucket of water per 1 m². Watering is best done in the morning. In addition, the agronomics are advised to plant trees in autumn in a special way, thus realizing the full preparation of the pine for wintering, because often young trees die not because of frosts, but because of a lack of water during the cold season. Drought-resistant pine trees become only in more mature age, when the root system grows and penetrates deep into the soil.

In order for the tree to have a healthy appearance it is possible to recommend spraying with a growth stimulator, for example, "Epin" or "Zircon", in accordance with the instructions attached to the preparation.

Why does the needles acquire a red tinge?

The fact that the color of the needles becomes unnaturally red, and besides, the crown of the pine is damaged more than half, perhaps due to the tree's occupation by stem pests - bark beetles and beetroots. In addition, apart from damage to the pine, the following symptoms are observed: smudges of tar and drilling flour (very fine sawdust remaining after the passage of bark beetles). If insignificant damage to the tree should be applied insecticides "Fufanon", "Kinmiks". In case of a severe defeat, you can invite a specialist.

Attention : coniferous cultures are affected most negatively by canine pee, so make sure that animals do not go to the pine!