Colon-shaped pear - varieties

The difference of the columned pear from ordinary varieties is that it is a dwarf tree, the main trunk of which in the harvest season is densely covered with shortened fruit formations, on which fruits ripen by the autumn. There are no branches on the tree, so the pear trim is not needed.

This culture is fast-paced, yielding a very good harvest for 15-18 years. The first fruiting begins on the third year after planting. From each such tree, whose height does not exceed 2 meters, for a year it is possible to collect 3-8 kg of pears. Harvesting is very convenient, because the fruits are low and near the trunk.

Kinds and sorts of a column pear

All sorts of colon-shaped pears are divided into summer-autumn, winter and autumn, as well as early and late, or, more precisely, early-autumn and late-autumn.

In this case, the early-autumn varieties bear fruit with a weight of up to 400 g. They have a rich yellow color and a juicy, tasty pulp. Late autumn is half the size, with excellent taste, orange cask and oily skin.

Summer-autumn varieties have small fruits (100-150 g), very sweet, their light yellow peel is covered with a lot of orange spots. Autumn varieties bear fruit with a delicate oily skin, their weight is about 250-300 g. The mass of winter fruits reaches 200 g, the fruits are bright yellow, with a very sweet, honey flesh.

The most popular varieties of a column-shaped pear for the middle band:

  1. "Sapphire" - refers to the fall of winter-resistant varieties. Its fruits have a pleasant, sweet taste and are stored for a very long time.
  2. "Knight Werth" - perfectly tolerates a drop in temperature to -25 ° C. Fruit-bearing begins already in the second year. The fruits are rather large, beautiful, with a reddish side.
  3. "Decoration" with slightly sour taste. Pears are bright yellow, weight is up to 200 grams, the pulp is juicy and fragrant. However, they are not stored for a long time.
  4. "Sanremi" - unpretentious to the soil and high-yielding tree, resistant to many diseases. The fruits are very large (up to 400 g), fragrant, beautiful.
  5. "Honey" - frost-resistant, unpretentious variety, fruits grow large, up to 400 g, sweet regardless of the soil.

The advantages of the pear-shaped pears are that they are great for small areas. They allow intensive, that is, close to each other, planting. And if you take into account their rapid fruiting and different maturation periods, they look just perfect applicants for a landing in the garden.