Ledum - application

Ledum grass is known since ancient times, and its useful properties are used not only in folk medicine, but also in traditional medicine. It contains essential oils with healing ingredients - ice cream, cymolene, palustrol and many others.

The taste of this herb is rather bitter and burns a little. Ledum is also rich in flavanoids, various vitamins, organic acids, glycoside arbutin and others. All these components, in general, form the basis of the active grass. Labrador tea should be fully consistent with its chemical composition, in the case when all the chemical constituents act on a particular disease. It is not recommended to use the herb for other purposes.

Pharmacological application of wild rosemary

Considering the entire plural chemical composition of this herb, Ledum has the following effects:

Labrador grass - application

Water infusion from the herb of Ledum has anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and wound-healing effect. Internal infusion is taken to treat painful cough, with various colds, rheumatism, gout and many other skin diseases. The broth of Ledum is used as a preventive agent for chronic epidermal diseases.

Useful properties of Ledum

This herb is really famous for many different positive qualities. This is primarily due to the fact that its effect is so strong that it can be aligned to antibiotic treatment. Let us outline some of the main properties of the rosemary, given the different medical levels:

  1. Used for muscle and articular rheumatism, with pain in the legs.
  2. It is useful for skin diseases of different stages.
  3. Ledum is effective in whooping cough, asthma and bothersome dry cough .
  4. Ledum is used for bites of poisonous insects, chipped and lacerated wounds, bruises.
  5. Ointment from ledum on the basis of essential oil helps with a cold.

Ledum - application in folk medicine

Infusion home for chronic bronchitis and irritating cough:

  1. 2 tablespoons of herb tea plantah pour one glass of hot water.
  2. Pre-infusion is heated in a water bath for 20 minutes.
  3. The infusion is cooled for about 45 minutes and filtered into a clean vessel.
  4. The resulting broth should be added to 200 grams of liquid, as was originally.
  5. You can take a decoction of ¼ cup three times a day, after eating.
  6. Keep the miracle-potion allowed no more than two days.

Another recipe for using Ledum for coughing and dyspnea:

  1. You need to take 1 teaspoon of grass and 2 cups of warm boiled water.
  2. In a closed vessel, the grass is insisted for eight hours, and then carefully filtered.
  3. Tincture is taken by half a glass no more than four times a day.
  4. Storage is not more than one day, that is, the tincture must be drunk exclusively fresh.

With all the above positive qualities of Ledum, we should not forget that this herb is quite strong and active. This applies primarily to its intake as tinctures and decoctions. It is not recommended to take strong decoctions or expired, that is, when stored longer than the specified period. Overdose or improper application can cause serious side effects, including disruption of the body.