Stone oil - medicinal properties and all secrets of application

Stone oil is a medicinal product used by traditional medicine in China, Tibet and Burma, as well as some peoples of Western and Eastern Siberia, Altai, Mongolia. It is a rare natural mineral, which, unlike mummies, does not contain organic impurities.

What is a stone oil?

This unusual substance is known to people since ancient times, and for the first time it attracted the attention of mountain hunters who noticed animals licking stones. Looking closer, people saw that they lick not the stones themselves, but the hardened film on them, which they now call differently: stone oil, a bracelet, white stone, mountain wax, and so on. Minerals are extracted in high-altitude areas where vegetation is absent, literally scraping it off from the surface of cave rocks, crevices.

The exact mechanism by which a shark-stone (rock oil) is formed, is not known, but it has been found out that it is a product of leaching of certain rocks. The extracted product is cleaned of limestone and other rocks. It is a plate, rastolchennye in white-yellow or beige powder, which can have a reddish or greenish tint (depending on the prevalence of certain additional elements). Brakshun has an astringent taste with a light acidity, is readily soluble in water, and in alcohol, glycerin, ether dissolves poorly.

Stone oil - composition

Studying the chemical composition of the Brahmash, the specialists attributed it to the group of aluminomagnesium alum. About 90-95% of it is occupied by magnesium and aluminum sulfates, and the remaining components vary depending on the type and age of the mountains on which it was formed. In the highest concentrations, Chinese stone oil often contains the following ingredients:

All listed substances are useful for the human body, but, in addition to them, the composition of the product in question may contain harmful ingredients: mercury, arsenic, cadmium, lead. It is worth noting that the concentrations of harmful elements in stone oil are so insignificant that, if properly applied, they are not capable of negatively affecting the state of health.

Stone oil - medicinal properties

The main properties of mountain wax are due to its main constituents - magnesium and aluminum sulfates, but many auxiliary components have a healing effect. Let's enumerate the healing qualities of stone oil:

Stone oil - use and contraindications

If you plan to use a marriage, the treatment must be carried out after consultation with the doctor. Despite the fact that stone oil is effective in many pathologies, it can not be considered a panacea. With a clearly established diagnosis and no contraindications to the use, it can be a good addition to the basic medicamental, physiotherapeutic or surgical treatment of the disease.

Stone oil - application

How to take a stone oil depends on the nature of the pathology and its stage. Carried out as an internal reception means - in the form of a drinking solution, and they are treated locally - in the form of compresses, lotions, baths, rinses, rinses, douching. Indications for its use are the following pathologies:

Stone oil - contraindications

You can not use white stone oil, either internally or locally in such situations:

Stone oil - recipes treatment

Carrying out treatment with mineral oil from mineral powder, which can be purchased in specialized shops and pharmacies, prepare solutions, ointments, creams, tinctures, connecting with other necessary components. Often the use of external forms of the drug is combined with ingestion, which additionally strengthens the immune system. Consider how stone oil is used for some common ailments.

Stone oil in oncology

In the case of malignant tumors, the marriage shun, which is often treated as part of complex therapy, can be used in parallel with chemotherapy, radiotherapy, after surgical removal of the neoplasm. Mineral is able to stop the growth of a cancerous tumor, to prevent metastasis. It is recommended to use an oil solution prepared by dissolving 3 g of powder into 500 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Dosage - a glass of solution three times a day for half an hour before a meal.

It is advisable to apply the drug externally at the same time: in case of tumors of the genital organs, tampon the vagina (at night), with bowel cancer - microclysters (1-2 times a week), with breast tumors - compresses (every other day for 2-3 hours). For tampons and microclysters, the solution is prepared at the rate of 3 g for 600 ml of water, and for the compress - a solution of 200 ml of water, 3 grams of a brace and a tablespoon of honey. The course of treatment is about six months.

Stone oil for joints

If the joints hurt and deform, stone oil can help in the treatment, provided that the basic therapy is properly prescribed. On sale you can find a lot of funds on the basis of stone oil in the form of ointments, industrial balsams, but a greater effect is achieved with the regular use of home compresses.

Compress Recipe


Preparation and use

  1. Dissolve oil in water, add honey.
  2. In the resulting solution, moisten a piece of gauze, folded four times, slightly squeeze and attach to the diseased area.
  3. Cover with polyethylene on top, hold for 1-3 hours.
  4. Remove, wipe the skin with a dry towel.

Stone oil - liver treatment

The properties of rock oil can be used for various liver pathologies. In this case, an internal solution is indicated, which should be combined with a plant diet and regular cleansing enemas. In addition, in parallel it is recommended to take infusion of herbs of golden hair, possessing powerful hepatoprotective qualities. The course of treatment is 4 weeks.

Recipe for a solution of rock oil for liver


Preparation and use

  1. Dissolve stone powder in water.
  2. Take 200 ml three times a day for half an hour before meals.

The recipe of a vampire infusion


Preparation and use

  1. Pour the grass with boiling water, cover.
  2. After an hour drain.
  3. Drink 100 ml three times a day.

Stone oil for eye treatment

Using a stone oil for eye diseases, the method of application involves instilling a specially prepared solution into conjunctival sacs. To do this, 3 g of powdered stone wax is carefully dissolved in 150 ml of boiled water at room temperature. Drip the product should be 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day. Together with this, you can take three times a day for half an hour before eating a solution prepared by dissolving 3 g of oil in a liter of water.

Stone oil for hair treatment

Many women are interested in what kind of stone oil needs to be used to improve hair and scalp. To this end, it is used, adding to shampoos (1 g per 200 ml of shampoo), and also rub the solution into the root area after washing (1 g of oil in 50 ml of water) and prepare masks with it. The recipe for one of the masks, applicable for various problems with hair, is given below.

Hair Mask


Preparation and use

  1. Dilute the marriage in water, add bran and yolk.
  2. Apply to hair, rubbing into skin, warm it.
  3. Wash off after 45 minutes.